Today, We want to share with you update query in mysql php.In this post we will show you delete query in php, hear for Update Data In a MySQL Table Using MySQLi and PDO we will give you demo and example for implement.In this post, we will learn about PHP Crud Mysqli Select Insert Update And Delete Query with an example.
how to fetch and update data from database in php?
To specify which data records we want to update query, you can use where after select query and update statements in MySQL.
UPDATE `table_name` SET `column_name` = `new_value' [WHERE condition];
Example (MySQLi Object-oriented)
connect_error) { die("Connection failed: " . $link->connect_error); } $sql = "UPDATE allMembers SET lastname='Kamlesh' WHERE id=2"; if ($link->query($sql) === TRUE) { echo "Member updated successfully"; } else { echo "Error updating record: " . $link->error; } $link->close(); ?>
Example (MySQLi Procedural)
Example (PDO)
setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); $sql = "UPDATE allMembers SET lastname='Bhakti' WHERE id=2"; $stmt = $link->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(); echo $stmt->rowCount() . " records UPDATED successfully"; } catch(PDOException $e) { echo $sql . "
" . $e->getMessage(); } $link = null; ?>
Update query PHP MySQL
mysql_query("UPDATE articles SET content = 'here all about my system', title = 'this is a sample text' WHERE id = $id");
UPDATE members SET receive_qty=20;
UPDATE members SET receive_qty=25 WHERE current_level>50;
UPDATE members SET receive_qty=20,pub_lang='Hindi',pub_lang=NULL WHERE current_level>50;
MySQL UPDATE multiple columns
UPDATE members SET receive_qty=20,pub_lang='Hindi',receive_dt='2008-07-10' WHERE current_level>50;
MySQL UPDATE with subqueries
UPDATE members SET current_level=current_level*.05 WHERE cate_id IN(SELECT cate_id FROM mailorders WHERE receive_qty>10);
Examples: MySQL UPDATE on multiple tables
UPDATE news_mast,mailorders SET news_mast.news_price=news_mast.news_price+(news_mast.news_price*.05), mailorders.current_level=mailorders.current_level+(mailorders.current_level*.05), mailorders.total_cost=receive_qty*(mailorders.current_level+(mailorders.current_level*.05)) WHERE news_mast.news_id=mailorders.news_id AND mailorders.pub_lang="English";
I hope you get an idea about update query in mysql php.
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