url download file – How to download a file from a URL?

url download file : Force a file to download into your system with the help of PHP. Learn How to use PHP cURL Library for Download image or file from URL.

url download file

Download a file from the URL in PHP. i specified the full HTTP URL of the file that we want to download. Using PHP’s file_get_contents function, i downloaded the file

Download a file from the URL in PHP


$urlPdf     =   'http://www.infinityknow.edu/images/thamb/document.pdf';
$path_url  =   basename($url); 
//save the file by using base name 
if(file_put_contents( $path_url,file_get_contents($url))){
    echo "File downloaded successfully!"; 
    echo "File downloading failed!"; 

The usage of the above function is given below.

$urlPdf     =   'http://www.infinityknow.edu/images/thamb/document.pdf';

Using CURL



$urlPdf     =   'http://www.infinityknow.edu/images/thamb/document.pdf';

Don’t Miss : PHP Download File From URL Curl

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