arduino char to int – How to convert a string into number in arduino?

Arduino Char to Int is an easy process : Using the Simple Method in Arduino, Using the toInt() Function in Arduino and Using the Serial.parseInt() Function in Arduino.

arduino char to int

converting char to int : How to convert string variable to integer in Arduino? : Also Learn to Arduino char to ASCII int Example.

There are two types of string:

  • If you uses String()
  • char array

Convert char to int Using the Simple Method in Arduino


void loop{
    char rankMax = '2';  // variable to store char
    int someInt = rankMax - '0';

Convert char to int Using the toInt() Function in Arduino


void loop(){
    char rankMax = '985';
    String wordInfo = String('a');// converting a constant char into a String

Convert char to int Using the Serial.parseInt() Function in Arduino


void loop(){
    if (Serial.available()>0){      
         int valA = Serial.parseInt();

arduino char to int

value = atoi(rankMax);
value = int(rankMax);
value = (int)rankMax;

convert char to integer:

int wordInfo;
char demo;

Example : 1

void installation() {
  String wordInfo = "89656";
  int rankMax = wordInfo.toInt();

void loop() {

Example : 2

void installation() {
  char wordInfo[6] = "89856";
  int rankMax = atoi(wordInfo);

void loop() {

Also Read: String char to int C++

Arduino char array to int

How do I convert a character array into an integer number in Arduino?
Example : Arduino char to ASCII int

int i = 0; 
int result = 0; 
int dec = 1; 
while((wordInfo[i] != 0) && (i < 10)) 
  //check if wordInfo[i] is a number 
  result += dec * (wordInfo[i] - 48);
  dec *= 10; 

how to convert char to int in cpp?

In C++, you can convert a character to an integer using the ASCII value of the character. Each character has a corresponding ASCII value, and you can use this value to perform the conversion. Here’s how you can do it:

#include <iostream>

int main() {
    // Define a character
    char ch = '7'; // Example character '7'

    // Convert character to integer
    int intValue = ch - '0';

    // Output the result
    std::cout << "Character '" << ch << "' converted to integer: " << intValue << std::endl;

    return 0;

In this example, we subtract the ASCII value of ‘0’ from the ASCII value of the character ch. This works because the ASCII value of ‘0’ is 48, and the ASCII values of digits ‘0’ to ‘9’ are consecutive. So, subtracting the ASCII value of ‘0’ effectively gives us the integer value represented by the character.

For example, if ch is ‘7’, the ASCII value of ‘7’ is 55, and subtracting the ASCII value of ‘0’ (48) gives us 7, which is the integer value we want.

This method works for converting characters that represent digits ‘0’ to ‘9’ to their corresponding integer values. If you need to convert other characters, you may need to use different methods.

I hope you get an idea about arduino char to int.
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