calculate the time difference between two times in hours and minutes php

calculate the time difference between two times in hours and minutes php OR Add or Subtract days, month and year to a date using PHP

calculate the time difference between two times in hours and minutes php

Use Mathematical Formulas and Use date_diff() Function to Get Time Difference in Minutes in PHP Examples. get hours difference between two dates in php. Get Hours/Months Time Difference Between Two Dates In Laravel

$hourdiff = round((strtotime($time1) - strtotime($time2))/3600, 1);

1. Add days to date

The following example shows how to add 7 days to date.

// Result: 2022-12-07

Add 15 days to the current date.

// Result: 2023-01-21

Add 1 month to date.

// Result: 2023-02-06

Add 1 year to date.

// Result: 2021-01-06

2. Subtract days from date

how to subtract 5 days from date.

// Result: 2022-12-30

Subtract 2 days from current date.

// Result: 2023-01-04

Subtract 1 month from date.

// Result: 2022-12-06

Subtract 1 year from date.

// Result: 2022-01-06

I hope you get an idea about calculate the time difference between two times in hours and minutes php.
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