cannot read property mdata of undefined – Uncaught TypeError : Cannot read property ‘mData’ of undefined

cannot read property mdata of undefined – Having thead and tbody with the same numbers of th and td solved your problem.

cannot read property mdata of undefined

Error : Datatables: Cannot read property ‘mData’ of undefined OR cannot read property mdata of undefined

The following will throw error (no thead and tbody tags)

Simple Example for Datatables

header-1 header-2
description-1 description-2

console error “Cannot read property mData of undefined”..?? – The following best example will also throw an error (unequal number of columns)

header-1 header-2
description-1 description-2 description-3

Don’t miss : Javascript Runtime Error Function Is Undefined

I hope you get an idea about cannot read property mdata of undefined.
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