In this post we will show you Convert Date or Time to any Timezone and Date Format using PHP, hear for Convert Date or Time to any Timezone and Date Format using PHP we will give you demo and php date format yyyy-mm-dd example for implement.
Date manipulation could be a common and intensely helpful development task. it had been ne’er simple using PHP, till PHP5 and DateTime category with a change date format in php mysql.
how to Convert Date or Time to any Timezone and Date Format using PHP
There area unit several cases you would like to convert dates. as an example, if you develop a world net application, each user is in numerous timezone. in addition, it’s helpful to store all dates in utc (GMT), because it is that the Greenwich Mean Time. it’s obvious that you just ought to convert(date_format php) dates from one timezone to a different and from date format prefered by every user to Date Format you employ to store dates (YmdHis could be a sensible choice).
Also Read: PHP Date Format
A solution could be the following simple function convert_date():
// call convert_date function convert_date($dt, $tz1, $df1, $tz2, $df2) { // create DateTime object hear $date_obj = DateTime::createFromFormat($df1, $dt, new DateTimeZone($tz1)); // convert timezone hear $date_obj->setTimeZone(new DateTimeZone($tz2)); // convert Date Format hear return $date_obj->format($df2); }
Also Read: How to change date format in PHP?
Examples Convert datetime 17/11/2017 02:00:00 in Europe/Athens to UTC timastamp:
convert_date('17/11/2017 02:00:00', 'Europe/Athens', 'd/m/Y H:i:s', 'UTC', 'YmdHis');
It returns: 20171178000000
Convert UTC timastamp 20171178000000 to Europe/Athens datetime with format d/m/Y H:i:s:
convert_date('20171178000000', 'UTC', 'YmdHis', 'Europe/Athens', 'd/m/Y H:i:s');
It returns: 17/11/2017 02:00:00
Also Read: Date formatting with PHP
The complete version for Convert Date or Time to any Timezone and Date Format with PHP
Here we will give you a more advanced syntax of this function, including error handling for execution:
setTimeZone(new DateTimeZone($tz2)); // convert Date Format hear $result = $date_obj->format($df2); } else { // show error trigger_error(__FUNCTION__ . ': Invalid source datetime ' . $dt . ', ' . $df1, E_USER_ERROR);// } } return $result; } ?>
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