how to calculate age from date of birth in javascript?

how to calculate age from date of birth in javascript – Calculate age from date of birth to current date. In our day to day programming we often come across business logic that depends on the age of a person.

how to calculate age from date of birth in javascript

i am going to see how to calculate the age of a person using their birth date as input in JavaScript Example with demo.

calculate age from date of birth in javascript

age calculator javascript

function calculate_age(dob) { 
    var diff_ms = - dob.getTime();
    var age_dt = new Date(diff_ms); 
    return Math.abs(age_dt.getUTCFullYear() - 1970);

console.log(calculate_age(new Date(1982, 11, 4)));

console.log(calculate_age(new Date(1962, 1, 1)));

Calculate age using JavaScript

Example 1: Predefined date input


Example 2: dynamic date input



Calculate Age from Date of Birth

Enter Date of Birth:

Don’t Miss : Age Date Of Birth Calculation With Counter In Javascript

I hope you get an idea about how to calculate age from date of birth in javascript.
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