how to fetch data from two tables in mysql without join?

how to fetch data from two tables in mysql without join – Create a database table (include Sales and Order columns, Department columns and Member columns).

how to fetch data from two tables in mysql without join?

how to retrieve data from two tables with one sql statement without join – simply SELECT query joins the main two tables by explicitly specifying the join condition with the ON keyword. like as a SELECT Sales.*, Order.*, Department.*, Member.* or many more.

sql select from multiple tables without join

join multiple tables sql

SELECT Sales.*, Order.*, Department.*, Member.*
FROM Sales
    JOIN Order
        ON Order.aID = Sales.aID
    JOIN Department
        ON Department.cID = Order.cID
    JOIN Member
        ON Member.dID = Sales.dID

don’t miss : PHP SQL INNER JOIN Query On Multiple Tables

sql select from multiple tables without join

— UNION: distinct values (slower)

SELECT mem_name AS name from members
SELECT team_name AS name from teams;

— UNION ALL: keeps duplicates (faster)

SELECT mem_name AS name from members
SELECT team_name AS name from teams;

join multiple tables in sql

SELECT Products_Namn, Member_Namn, Member_Age, Shop_Namn FROM Products

JOIN Member ON Member_Id = Member_Member_Id

JOIN Products_has_Shop ON Products_Products_Id = Products_Id

JOIN Shop ON Shop_Id = Shop_Shop_Id;

I hope you get an idea about how to fetch data from two tables in mysql without join.
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