How to $state.go() in Angularjs?

Today, We want to share with you state go in angularjs.In this post we will show you angularjs stateprovider, hear for angularjs $stateprovider.state params we will give you demo and example for implement.In this post, we will learn about Removing # hash from URL in AngularJS with an example.

state.go angularjs tutorial

to string Absolute state name or relative state path.

Good examples:

  • $state.go(‘contact.detail’) – will go to the contact.detail state
  • $state.go(‘^’) – will go to a parent state
  • $state.go(‘^.sibling’) – will go to a sibling state
  • $state.go(‘.child.grandchild’) – will go to grandchild state

How to send parameters in Angularjs $state.go?

Example 1:

.state('SignUpMember.OTPVerification', {
    url: '/SignUpMemberOTPVerification',
    params: {
        customerid: null,
        OTP: null
    templateUrl: 'SignUpMember/SignUpMemberOTP.html',
    controller: 'SignUpMemberOTPVerification'

Now, you can use $state.go like following:

$state.go('SignUpMember.OTPVerification', {
    customerid: 565,
    OTP: 9898

In AngularJS, you can send parameters to a state using the $state.go method as follows:

$state.go("stateName", {param1: value1, param2: value2});

Here, stateName is the name of the state you want to navigate to, and param1 and param2 are the names of the parameters you want to send. The values of these parameters are passed as an object in the second argument of the $state.go method.

In the target state, you can access these parameters using the $stateParams service. For example:


Note: This assumes that you are using UI Router, which is a popular routing library for AngularJS. If you are using a different routing library, the syntax for sending parameters may be different.

How to pass custom data using $state.go() in ui-router?

define state with param object:

.state( 'edit', {
      url: '/api/:slug/edit',
      params: {
         params: null

create state.go() redirection

$state.go('edit',{slug:'slug-of-your-post-or-ID', params: {type: 'post'}});// or params: {type: 'page'}

back in stateProvider,

.state( 'edit', {
      url: '/api/:slug/edit',
      params: {
         params: null
        resEditSnippet: ['$stateParams', function($stateParams){
              // check params.type value 

               // do Logic something


               // do Logic something else

I hope you get an idea about Simple Tips for Using UI-Router.
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