first of all First download the package from the GitHub.
After that include bellow js file before closing body tag.
load Owl Carousel CDN files
javascript Code
Don’t Miss : Owl Carousel Vertical Slider
owl carousel Options
Name | Type | Default | Description |
items | Number | 3 | The number of items you want to see on the screen |
margin | Number | 0 | margin-right(px) on item |
loop | Boolean | false | Infinite loop |
center | Boolean | false | Center item, even an odd number of items |
mouseDrag | Boolean | true | Can change the item with mouse drag |
touchDrag | Boolean | true | Can change the item with touch |
pullDrag | Boolean | true | Stage pull to edge |
freeDrag | Boolean | false | Item pull to edge |
stagePadding | Number | 0 | Padding left and right on stage |
merge | Boolean | true | Fit merged items if screen is smaller than items value |
mergeFit | Boolean | true | Fit merged items if screen is smaller than items value |
autoWidth | Boolean | false | Set non grid content. Try using width style on divs |
startPosition | Number/String | 0 | Start position or URL Hash string like ‘#id’ |
URLhashListener | Boolean | false | Listen to url hash changes, data-hash on items is required |
nav | Boolean | false | Show next/prev buttons |
rewind | Boolean | true | Go backwards when the boundary has reached |
navText | Array | [‘next’,’prev’] | HTML allowed |
navElement | String | div | DOM element type for a single directional navigation link |
slideBy | Number/String | 1 | Navigation slide by no. of page string can be set to slide by page |
slideTransition | String | “ | You can define the transition for the stage you want to use eg. linear |
dots | Boolean | true | Show dots navigation |
dotsEach | Number/Boolean | false | Show dots each no. of item |
dotsData | Boolean | false | Used by data-dot content |
lazyLoad | Boolean | false | Lazy load images. data-src and data-src-retina for highres. Also load images into background inline style if element is not img |
lazyLoadEager | Number | 0 | Eagerly pre-loads images to the right based on how many items you want to preload |
autoplay | Boolean | false | Autoplay |
autoplayTimeout | Number | 5000 | Autoplay interval timeout |
autoplayHoverPause | Boolean | false | Pause on mouse hover |
smartSpeed | Number | 250 | Speed Calculate, More info to come |
fluidSpeed | Boolean | Number | Speed Calculate, More info to come |
autoplaySpeed | Number/Boolean | false | autoplay speed |
navSpeed | Number/Boolean | false | Navigation speed |
dotsSpeed | Boolean | Number/Boolean | Pagination speed |
dragEndSpeed | Number/Boolean | false | Drag end speed |
callbacks | Boolean | true | Enable callback events |
responsive | Object | empty object | Object containing responsive options, Can be set to false to remove responsive capabilities |
responsiveRefreshRate | Number | 200 | Responsive refresh rate |
responsiveBaseElement | DOM element | window | Set on any DOM element, If you care about non responsive browser then use it on main wrapper |
video | Boolean | false | Enable fetching YouTube/Vimeo/Vzaar videos |
videoHeight | Number/Boolean | false | Set height for videos |
videoWidth | Number/Boolean | false | Set width for videos |
animateOut | String/Boolean | false | Class for CSS3 animation out |
animateIn | String/Boolean | false | Class for CSS3 animation in |
fallbackEasing | String | swing | Easing for CSS2 $.animate |
info | Function | false | Callback to retrieve basic information. Info function second parameter is Owl DOM object reference |
nestedItemSelector | String/Class | false | Use it if owl items are deep nested inside some generated content. Don’t use dot before class name |
itemElement | String | div | DOM element type for owl-item |
stageElement | String | div | DOM element type for owl-stage |
navContainer | String/Class/ID/Boolean | false | Set your own container for nav |
dotsContainer | String/Class/ID/Boolean | false | Set your own container for nav |
checkVisible | Boolean | true | If you know the carousel will always be visible you can set `checkVisibility` to `false` to prevent the expensive browser layout forced reflow the $‘:visible’) does |
event calls on certain movements.
var owl = $('.owl-carousel'); owl.owlCarousel(); owl.on('changed.owl.carousel', function(event) { // your code goes here... })
trigger events and handle the Owl carousel.
var owl = $('.owl-carousel'); owl.owlCarousel(); $('.customNextBtn').click(function() { owl.trigger('next.owl.carousel'); }) $('.customPrevBtn').click(function() { // With optional speed parameter // Parameters has to be in square bracket '[]' owl.trigger('prev.owl.carousel', [300]); });
$('.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ onDragged: callbackFunction }); function callbackFunction(event) { // your code goes here... }
function callback(event) { var element =; var name = event.type; var namespace = event.namespace; var items = event.item.count; var item = event.item.index; var pages =; var page =; var size =; }
Name | Type | Callback | Parameter | Description |
initialize.owl.carousel | attachable | onInitialize | When the plugin initializes | |
initialized.owl.carousel | attachable | onInitialized | When the plugin has initialized | |
resize.owl.carousel | attachable | onResize | When the plugin gets resized | |
resized.owl.carousel | attachable | onResized | When the plugin has resized | |
refresh.owl.carousel | attachable, cancelable, triggerable | onRefresh | [event, speed] | When the internal state of the plugin needs update |
refreshed.owl.carousel | attachable | onRefreshed | When the internal state of the plugin has updated | |
drag.owl.carousel | attachable | onDrag | When the dragging of an item is started | |
dragged.owl.carousel | attachable | onDragged | When the dragging of an item has finished | |
translate.owl.carousel | attachable | onTranslate | When the translation of the stage starts | |
translated.owl.carousel | attachable | onTranslated | When the translation of the stage has finished | |
change.owl.carousel | attachable | onChange | property | When a property is going to change its value |
changed.owl.carousel | attachable | onChanged | property | When a property has changed its value |
next.owl.carousel | triggerable | [speed] | Goes to next item | |
prev.owl.carousel | triggerable | [speed] | Goes to previous item | |
to.owl.carousel | triggerable | [position, speed] | Goes to position | |
destroy.owl.carousel | triggerable | Destroys carousel | ||
replace.owl.carousel | triggerable | data | Removes current content and add a new one passed in the parameter | |
add.owl.carousel | triggerable | [data, position] | Adds a new item on a given position | |
remove.owl.carousel | triggerable | position | Removes an item from a given position |