How to create password length validation in HTML?

In HTML tiny Code to set password length validation is very simple example with jquery validate Form Validation.

In the HTML input tag there is validating by minlength by 7 digit. In the following tiny best example you can not enter less than 7 digit in user password HTML field.

html password length validation

See tiny and easy example following:

Employee Login Form

Username : User Password :

confirm password validation in php

To validate a confirm password field in PHP, you can compare the values of the password and confirm password fields and display an error message if they do not match. Here’s an example of how to validate a confirm password field in PHP:

$password = $_POST['password'];
$confirm_password = $_POST['confirm_password'];

if ($password !== $confirm_password) {
    $error = "Password and confirm password do not match.";
} else {
    // Password and confirm password match, continue with processing

In this example, we are retrieving the values of the password and confirm_password fields from the $_POST superglobal array. We are then using the !== operator to compare the values of the two fields. If the values do not match, we set the $error variable to a message indicating that the password and confirm password do not match.

If the values match, we can continue with processing the form data as needed.

Note that you may need to adjust the field names and error message to match the requirements of your application. Additionally, it’s a good practice to hash the password using a secure hashing algorithm before storing it in a database.
Also Read: Validate Email Password Using jQuery

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