html span width – How to set fixed width for span?

html span width – html span tag is a inline element, it fits into the flow of the content and can be distributed over multiple lines.

html span width

HTML span is an inline element which cannot have a width. use a div or set display: block style to the span. span Represents an inline element,

span size css

display: inline-block; /* or block */

Example : CSS fixed width in a span

.welcome span {
display: inline-block;

//HTML Code
Welcome Pakainfoprpr


  • Welcome To
  • AND Welcome To
  • OR Welcome To
ul {
list-style-type: none;
padding-left: 0px;

ul li span {
float: left;
width: 40px;

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CSS fixed width in a span

In CSS, you can set a fixed width for a span element by using the width property. Here’s an example:

span {
  width: 100px; /* set the width to 100 pixels */
  display: inline-block; /* make the element a block-level element so that the width property can be applied */

In this example, the width property is set to 100px, which means that the span element will have a fixed width of 100 pixels. The display property is also set to inline-block to make the element a block-level element, which allows the width property to be applied.

You can also set the width property to a percentage value instead of a fixed pixel value. For example:

span {
  width: 50%; /* set the width to 50% of the parent element's width */
  display: inline-block;

In this example, the width property is set to 50%, which means that the span element will have a width that is 50% of the parent element’s width.
I hope you get an idea about html span width.
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