javascript object class – How to get a JavaScript object’s class?

javascript object class methods are created with the same syntax as object methods. A JavaScript class is a blueprint for creating objects.

javascript object class

Use the keyword class to create a class. A class encapsulates data and functions that manipulate data.

javascript object class need getClass() for

  • typeof
  • instanceof
  • obj.constructor
  • func.prototype, proto.isPrototypeOf

Class basic syntax

class AllProduct {
  // class methods
  constructor() { ... }
  getSKU() { ... }
  getTitle() { ... }
  getDescription() { ... }

Then use new AllProduct() to create a new object with all the listed methods.

For example:

class User {

  constructor(name) { = name;

  sayHi() {


// Usage:
let user = new User("Mayur");

How to get a JavaScript object’s class?


function Product() {}
var product = new Product();

typeof Product;             // == "function"
typeof product;             // == "object"

product instanceof Product;     // == true;   // == "Product"                // == "Product"    

Product.prototype.isPrototypeOf(product);   // == true = function (x) {return x+x;};;            // == 42

How to Get a Class Name of an Object?

function Func() {}
let func = new Func();
typeof Func; // == "function"
typeof fonc; // == "object"
console.log(typeof Func);
console.log(typeof func);

Example: JavaScript Objects

var first = { name:"Steve" }; // object literal syntax

var p2 = new Object(); // Object() constructor function = "Steve"; // property

Don’t Miss : JavaScript Objects

Create Objects using Objects() Constructor

var member = new Object();

// Attach properties and methods to member object     
member.profileNm = "Virat";
member["nickNm"] = "Kohali"; 
member.age = 25;
member.getFullName = function () {
        return this.profileNm + ' ' + this.nickNm;

Variables as Object Properties

var profileNm = "Virat";
var nickNm = "Kohali";

var member = { profileNm, nickNm }

Access JavaScript Object Properties & Methods

var member = { 
                profileNm: "Virat", 
                nickNm: "Kohali", 
                age: 25, 
                getFullName: function () { 
                    return this.profileNm + ' ' + this.nickNm 

member.profileNm; // returns Virat
member.nickNm; // returns Kohali

member["profileNm"];// returns Virat
member["nickNm"];// returns Kohali

member.getFullName(); // calling getFullName function

I hope you get an idea about javascript object class.
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