Joining Three Tables in mysql with examples
Joining Three or More Tables
Simple Although each join one query to specification joins only two tables and here example of the , FROM clauses can all the contain multiple join tables specifications. This allows many two or more tables to be joined tables for a single query.Joining Three Tables in mysql with examples
SELECT p.invoicename, v.invoicename FROM Production.Product p JOIN sallings.ProductVendor pv ON p.ProductID = pv.ProductID JOIN sallings.Vendor v ON pv.bshopID = v.bshopID WHERE psubID = 15 ORDER BY v.invoicename;
SQL join three tables or more tables based(INNER) on a parent-child relationship Examples
A SQL JOIN combines all the records from two tables or more tab. A JOIN locates tables related column all the values in the two or more tables. A query can contain only zero, one, or multiple level nested JOIN some example of INNER JOIN is the same as JOIN; like as a INNER Joining the keyword INNER is optional.
SELECT s.productname , s.product_id , s.productdesc , h.username FROM products s INNER JOIN users us on s.product_id = us.product_id INNER JOIN halls h on us.userid = h.userid
How to join three or more tables in SQL query – MySQL Simple Example
Here is an simple example of SQL join three or more tables with conditions.
SELECT a.ord_num,u.cust_name,a.cust_code, p.agent_code,u.cust_city FROM products p,users u,orders a WHERE u.cust_city=p.working_area AND a.cust_code=u.cust_code AND a.agent_code=p.agent_code
sql joining three tables using inner joins Example
A parent-child relationship Like (uniq id) between two tables can be created only one table mapped when there is a PRIMARY KEY in tables in one table and FOREIGN KEY other tables in another table.
/*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Inquiry Mst~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~``*/ if(isset($page) && $page == "inquirymst") { if(!empty($action) && $action == "ChangeStatus") { //print_r($_REQUEST); $inquiryid = $_REQUEST['id']; $status = $_REQUEST['status']; $rowid = $_REQUEST['rowid']; $tableName = $_REQUEST['tableName']; $changeStatus = ''; if($status == 0){$changeStatus = '1';} else if($status == 1){$changeStatus = '0';} $selUpdtData = "UPDATE $tableName SET status = '$changeStatus' WHERE inquiryid = '$inquiryid'" ; $selDistQtyQQ=mysql_query($selUpdtData) or die(mysql_error()); //return status and page to redirect if($selDistQtyQQ) { $device_token = array(); $deviceT = "SELECT u.devicetoken FROM inquirymst i left outer join usermst u on u.userid = i.userid WHERE trim(u.devicetoken) != ' ' AND i.inquiryid = '$inquiryid'"; $deviceTQQ = mysql_query($deviceT); $deviceTCount = mysql_num_rows($deviceTQQ); if($deviceTCount > 0) { while($deviceTRR = mysql_fetch_array($deviceTQQ)) { $device_token[] = $deviceTRR['devicetoken']; } } $message = "Inquiry has been closed"; $insertNotification = "INSERT INTO notification(userid,orderid,message,type,status,inquiryid) VALUES('$userid','$orderid','".addslashes($message)."','2','0','$inquiryid')"; $insertNotificationQQ = mysql_query($insertNotification); if($deviceTCount > 0) { $res = functionSendNotifications($device_token,$message,'2',$inquiryid,'0'); } echo "success"."|".$rowid."|".$inquiryid."|".$changeStatus."|".'inquirymst'; } else { echo "Error"."|".$rowid."|".$inquiryid."|".$staus."|".'inquirymst'; } } }