laravel get query string – How to Get Query Strings Value in Laravel?

laravel get query string using $request->all(), Request $request, Input::get and $query = Input::all() returns array of entire input query value Examples.

laravel get query string

get current full url using Request in laravel web application. You can get the query string value in laravel in different way.

URL Example:

Route Example:

Route::get('tamilrokers', 'tamilrokersController@tamilrokers');

Controller Example:

public function tamilrokers(Request $request)
  /* returns Ony PlyerId value */
  $player_id = $request->input('player_id');

  /* returns array of entire input query value */
  $query = $request->all();
    /* OR */

  /* returns Ony Id value */
  $player_id = Input::get('player_id');
  /* returns array of entire input query value */
  $query = Input::all();

Don’t Miss : Laravel Get All Query String

laravel get request query string

$player_name = $request->query('name', 'Virat');

laravel get data from request


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I hope you get an idea about laravel get query string.
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