Today, We want to share with you laravel permissions.In this post we will show you Easy roles and permissions in Laravel 5|6|7, hear for laravel roles and permissions from scratch we will give you demo and example for implement.In this post, we will learn about User Authorization in Laravel 5|6|7 with Spatie Laravel-Permission with an example.
laravel permissions
There are the Following The simple About laravel 5.6 – user roles and permissions Full Information With Example and source code.
As I will cover this Post with live Working example to develop spatie/laravel-permission documentation, so the laravel 6 roles and permissions is used for this example is following below.
Laravel authorization and positions permission management
Scaffold app
composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel mask_bunch
Setup packages
"require": { ... "spatie/laravel-permission": "^2.1", "laracasts/flash": "^3.0", "laravelcollective/html": "^5.3.0" },
'providers' => [ ... Spatie\Permission\PermissionServiceProvider::class, Laracasts\Flash\FlashServiceProvider::class, Collective\Html\HtmlServiceProvider::class, ... ], 'aliases' => [ ... 'Form' => Collective\Html\FormFacade::class, 'Html' => Collective\Html\HtmlFacade::class, ]
create tables for positions and permissions.
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\Permission\PermissionServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"
create Visitor, Position, Permission
// Create Visitor model with migration and resource controller php artisan make:model Visitor -m -c --resource // Create Position model and resource controller php artisan make:model Position -c --resource // Create Permission model and resource controller php artisan make:model Permission -c --resource
add HasPositions trait provided by the package
use Spatie\Permission\Traits\HasPositions; class Member extends Authenticatable { use HasPositions; ...
$this->command->info('Admin granted all the permissions'); } else { // for others by default only read access $position->syncPermissions(Permission::where('name', 'LIKE', 'view_%')->get()); } // create one member for each position $this->createMember($position); } $this->command->info('Positions ' . $input_positions . ' added successfully'); } else { Position::firstOrCreate(['name' => 'Member']); $this->command->info('Added only default member position.'); } // now lets seed some visitors for demo factory(\App\Visitor::class, 30)->create(); $this->command->info('Some Visitors data seeded.'); $this->command->warn('All done :)'); } /** * Create a member with given position * * @param $position */ private function createMember($position) { $member = factory(Member::class)->create(); $member->assignPosition($position->name); if( $position->name == 'Admin' ) { $this->command->info('Here is your admin details to login:'); $this->command->warn($member->email); $this->command->warn('Password is "secret"'); } }
defaultPermissions in Permissions Model
public static function defaultPermissions() { return [ 'view_members', 'add_members', 'edit_members', 'delete_members', 'view_positions', 'add_positions', 'edit_positions', 'delete_positions', 'view_visitors', 'add_visitors', 'edit_visitors', 'delete_visitors', ]; }
Now run the seeder using php artisan db:seed
positions' => 'required|min:1' ]); // Get the member $member = Member::findOrFail($id); // Update member $member->fill($request->except('positions', 'permissions', 'password')); // check for password change if($request->get('password')) { $member->password = bcrypt($request->get('password')); } // Handle the member positions $this->syncPermissions($request, $member); $member->save(); flash()->success('Member has been updated.'); return redirect()->route('members.index'); } public function destroy($id) { if ( Auth::member()->id == $id ) { flash()->warning('Deletion of currently logged in member is not allowed :(')->important(); return redirect()->back(); } if( Member::findOrFail($id)->delete() ) { flash()->success('Member has been deleted'); } else { flash()->success('Member not deleted'); } return redirect()->back(); } private function syncPermissions(Request $request, $member) { // Get the submitted positions $positions = $request->get('positions', []); $permissions = $request->get('permissions', []); // Get the positions $positions = Position::find($positions); // check for current position changes if( ! $member->hasAllPositions( $positions ) ) { // reset all direct permissions for member $member->permissions()->sync([]); } else { // handle permissions $member->syncPermissions($permissions); } $member->syncPositions($positions); return $member; }
perform CRUD operation with certain permissions for the specific use
Route::group( ['middleware' => ['auth']], function() { Route::resource('members', 'MemberController'); Route::resource('positions', 'PositionController'); Route::resource('visitors', 'VisitorController'); });
... @can('add_members') Create @endcan ...
Created At | @can('edit_members', 'delete_members')Actions | @endcan
// action buttons | @endcan
Authorizable Trait
namespace App; trait Authorizable { private $abilities = [ 'index' => 'view', 'edit' => 'edit', 'show' => 'view', 'update' => 'edit', 'create' => 'add', 'store' => 'add', 'destroy' => 'delete' ]; /** * Override of callAction to perform the authorization before * * @param $method * @param $parameters * @return mixed */ public function callAction($method, $parameters) { if( $ability = $this->getAbility($method) ) { $this->authorize($ability); } return parent::callAction($method, $parameters); } public function getAbility($method) { $routeName = explode('.', \Request::route()->getName()); $action = array_get($this->getAbilities(), $method); return $action ? $action . '_' . $routeName[0] : null; } private function getAbilities() { return $this->abilities; } public function setAbilities($abilities) { $this->abilities = $abilities; } }
trait on MemberController.
use App\Authorizable; class MemberController extends Controller { use Authorizable; ...
AuthorizationException Exception Handler
public function render($request, Exception $exception) { if ($exception instanceof AuthorizationException) { return $this->unauthorized($request, $exception); } return parent::render($request, $exception); } private function unauthorized($request, Exception $exception) { if ($request->expectsJson()) { return response()->json(['error' => $exception->getMessage()], 403); } flash()->warning($exception->getMessage()); return redirect()->route('home'); }
Position Management
create the positions management resource controller
class PositionController extends Controller { use Authorizable; public function index() { $positions = Position::all(); $permissions = Permission::all(); return view('position.index', compact('positions', 'permissions')); } public function store(Request $request) { $this->validate($request, ['name' => 'required|unique:positions']); if( Position::create($request->only('name')) ) { flash('Position Added'); } return redirect()->back(); } public function update(Request $request, $id) { if($position = Position::findOrFail($id)) { // admin position has everything if($position->name === 'Admin') { $position->syncPermissions(Permission::all()); return redirect()->route('positions.index'); } $permissions = $request->get('permissions', []); $position->syncPermissions($permissions); flash( $position->name . ' permissions has been updated.'); } else { flash()->error( 'Position with id '. $id .' note found.'); } return redirect()->route('positions.index'); } }
create resources/views/position/index.blade.php
@extends('') @section('title', 'Positions & Permissions') @section('content'){!! Form::open(['method' => 'post']) !!}@forelse ($positions as $position) {!! Form::model($position, ['method' => 'PUT', 'route' => ['positions.update', $position->id ], 'class' => 'm-b']) !!} @if($position->name === 'Admin') @include('shared._permissions', [ 'title' => $position->name .' Permissions', 'options' => ['disabled'] ]) @else @include('shared._permissions', [ 'title' => $position->name .' Permissions', 'model' => $position ]) @can('edit_positions') {!! Form::submit('Save', ['class' => 'btn btn-primary']) !!} @endcan @endif {!! Form::close() !!} @emptyPositions
@can('add_positions') New @endcanNo Positions defined, please run
@endforelse @endsectionphp artisan db:seed
to seed some dummy data.
@foreach($permissions as $perm) hasPermissionTo($perm->name); } if( isset($member)) { $per_found = $member->hasDirectPermission($perm->name); } ?>@endforeach
Permissions Management
command by running php artisan make:command AuthPermissionCommand
class AuthPermissionCommand extends Command { protected $signature = 'auth:permission {name} {--R|remove}'; ... public function handle() { $permissions = $this->generatePermissions(); if( $is_remove = $this->option('remove') ) { if( Permission::where('name', 'LIKE', '%'. $this->getNameArgument())->delete() ) { $this->warn('Permissions ' . implode(', ', $permissions) . ' deleted.'); } else { $this->warn('No permissions for ' . $this->getNameArgument() .' found!'); } } else { foreach ($permissions as $permission) { Permission::firstOrCreate(['name' => $permission ]); } $this->info('Permissions ' . implode(', ', $permissions) . ' created.'); } if( $position = Position::where('name', 'Admin')->first() ) { $position->syncPermissions(Permission::all()); $this->info('Admin permissions'); } } private function generatePermissions() { $abilities = ['view', 'add', 'edit', 'delete']; $name = $this->getNameArgument(); return array_map(function($val) use ($name) { return $val . '_'. $name; }, $abilities); } private function getNameArgument() { return strtolower(str_plural($this->argument('name'))); } }
App\Console\Commands\AuthPermissionCommand; class Kernel extends ConsoleKernel { protected $commands = [ AuthPermissionCommand::class ]; ...
The auth:permission command is ready, now you can run it to add/remove permissions.If you added some permissions manually in the Database, don’t forget to run/execute php artisan cache:forget spatie.permission.cache, otherwise new permissions wont work.
Web Programming Tutorials Example with Demo
Read :
You can also read about AngularJS, ASP.NET, VueJs, PHP.
I hope you get an idea about laravel 6 roles and permissions.
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