See the new and old Loha Price List today and what is the price of heavy Loha in the market. Apart from this, what is the price of scrap Loha in the market. If you want to get information related to the latest rate of Loha, then here you are being given all the information related to it.
The Loha rate list is given below, by the way, let us tell you that Loha is used in making factories, houses or small and big buildings etc. Apart from this, Loha is also used in many places, whether it is a matter of making a vehicle or a project, it is used everywhere.

Loha Price List Today
Loha List | Loha Rate Today Per kg |
New Loha 1kg Price Today | Rs. 85-95 |
Old Loha 1kg Price Today | Rs. 35-50 |
Also Read : Chana Rate Today
Loha Rate Today
Loha List | Loha Rate Today Per kg |
New Loha Rate | Rs. 80-90 |
Old Loha Rate | Rs. 40-50 |
Hope now you have got information about Loha Price List Today and most of the Loha used in house construction has been given the form of a bar. 10MM and 12MM bars are used for house construction. Which is also called in ordinary language 3 yarn and 4 yarn sari.
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