We learn to mysql between datetime, between date range, between inclusive, between timestamp, between two times, between exclusive, between vs greater than, select data between two dates in mysql or many more.
MySQL BETWEEN with number
SELECT itemCode, itemName, subscribeAmount FROM items WHERE subscribeAmount BETWEEN 90 AND 100;
This query uses the greater than or equal (>=) and less than or equal ( <= ) operators instead of the BETWEEN operator to get the same result: MySQL WHERE Clause With AND, OR, IN, NOT IN
SELECT itemCode, itemName, subscribeAmount FROM items WHERE subscribeAmount >= 90 AND subscribeAmount <= 100;
To find the item whose buy amount is not between $20 as well as $100, you combine the BETWEEN operator with the NOT operator as follows:
SELECT itemCode, itemName, subscribeAmount FROM items WHERE subscribeAmount NOT BETWEEN 20 AND 100;
You can rewrite the query above using the less than (<), greater than (>), and logical operators ( AND) as the following query:
SELECT itemCode, itemName, subscribeAmount FROM items WHERE subscribeAmount < 20 OR subscribeAmount > 100;
BETWEEN with dates
SELECT stockNumber, requiredDate, is_check FROM stocks WHERE requireddate BETWEEN CAST('2021-01-01' AS DATE) AND CAST('2021-01-31' AS DATE);
I hope you get an idea about BETWEEN Operator Explained By Practical Examples.
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