not equal to in sql – BEST 5 EXAMPLES

not equal to in sql : here you can learn to SQL Comparison Operators (Equal, Not Equal, Less than, Grater than) multiple sample data with MySQL WHERE Clause: AND, OR, IN, NOT IN Query Example.

not equal to in sql with other Comparison Operators

  • Equal (=) Operator
  • Not Equal (!= or <>) Operator
  • Greater Than (>) Operator
  • Less Than (<) Operator
  • Greater Than or Equal To (>=) Operator
  • Less Than or Equal To (<=) Operator
  • Not Less Than (!<) Operator
  • Not Greater Than (!>) Operator

Don’t Miss : running sql queries

not equal to in sql
not equal to in sql

SQL Not Equal Operator introduction and examples

Get all member details except MemberID 1

Select * from dbo.members where MemberID <> 1

As fresher web devloper, you can use != operator as well to get the same results.

Select * from dbo.members where MemberID!=1

Get a list of all member except those launched in the Year 2022

Select * from dbo.members where Year(MemberLaunchDate) <>2022

Get a list of all members excluding a specific member

Select * from dbo.members where Membername<>'raghupati'

Specifying multiple conditions using SQL Not Equal operator

Select * from dbo.members where MemberID<>1 and MemberName<>'bhavika''

SQL Not Equal operator and SQL Group By clause

Select Count(MemberLaunchDate) 
from dbo.Members
group by MemberLaunchDate
having Year(MemberLaunchDate) <>2022

WHERE clause combined with – NOT IN Keyword

SELECT * FROM `member_infromations` WHERE `Employee_number` NOT IN (25,48,47);

WHERE Clause with not equal to in sql

DELETE FROM members WHERE id NOT IN ( 5 )

not equal to in sql – Note:In some versions of SQL this operator may be written as !=

DELETE FROM members WHERE id <>  5 

SQL Equal (=) Operator

SELECT * FROM member_infromations WHERE member_id = 1

SQL Greater Than (>) Operator

SELECT * FROM member_infromations WHERE member_id > 2

SQL Less Than (<) Operator

SELECT * FROM member_infromations WHERE member_id < 2

SQL Greater Than or Equal To (>=) Operator

SELECT * FROM member_infromations WHERE member_id >= 2

SQL Less Than or Equal To (<=) Operator

SELECT * FROM member_infromations WHERE member_id <= 2

SQL Not Less Than (!<) Operator

SELECT * FROM member_infromations WHERE member_id !< 2

SQL Not Greater Than (!>) Operator

SELECT * FROM member_infromations WHERE member_id !> 2

MySQL Not Equal

Difference Between (< >) and (! =) Operator

Not Equal To In Sql
Not Equal To In Sql

SQL Not Equal (!=) Operator

SELECT * FROM member_infromations WHERE member_id != 1

SQL Not Equal (<>) Operator

SELECT * FROM member_infromations WHERE member_id <> 1

not equal to in sql
If i want to get all member_infromations who do not have mobile number and duplicate earning value, execute the following statement:

SELECT * FROM member_infromations  
JOIN contacts ON member_id = member_id   
WHERE mobile <> "Null"  
GROUP BY earning;  

For example, you want to get the members infromations where earning is higher than 6025, and occupation is not a manager.

SELECT * FROM member_infromations Where earning>6025 and occupation<>"Manager";  

I hope you get an idea about not equal to in sql.
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