php code to send email from contact form – The simplest way to send an email with PHP is to send a text email. PHP script to connect to a SMTP server and send email.
php code to send email from contact form
Simple HTML PHP Source Codes For Create a PHP Send Email Contact Form Example. Send email with PHP from html form on submit with the same script
today i am going to learn how to connect the Contact form with PHP mail for your website.
Step : 1 Simple HTML Contact Form to send Email in PHP
Create a simple contact form with PHP and send email.
php code to send email from contact form -
Don’t Miss : Simple file attachment in PHP mail function
Step 2: Sending the Email with PHP
In emails, settings headers are really important.
isSMTP(); $smail->Host = ""; $smail->SMTPAuth = true; $smail->Username = ""; $smail->Password = 'yourpassword'; $smail->Port = 465; $smail->SMTPSecure = "ssl"; //here some email settings $smail->isHTML(true); $smail->setFrom($email, $name); $smail->addAddress(""); $smail->Subject = ("$email ($title)"); $smail->Body = $message; if($smail->send()){ $status = "success"; $response = "Good Luck, Great Your Email is sent!"; } else { $status = "failed"; $response = "Sorry, Something is wrong:
" . $mail->ErrorInfo; } exit(json_encode(array("status" => $status, "response" => $response))); } ?>
I hope you get an idea about php code to send email from contact form.
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