php date compare – How to compare two dates in PHP?

php date compare or Calculate the difference between two dates. Here we have declared two dates date1anddate2 in the same format. $diffrence = $today->diff($date); //enddate is “01-01-2022”

php date compare – Comparing two dates in PHP

PHP DateTime: Create, Compare and Format Dates Easily. i have used a comparison operator(>) to compare the dates.

Method 1: How to compare two dates in PHP


2022-01-15 is less than 2032-12-14

Method 2: How to compare two dates in PHP

    echo "$join_dt is greater than $end_dt";
    echo "$join_dt is less than $end_dt"; 

Comparing Two Dates In PHP Examples


2022-01-15 is less than 2032-12-14

Comparing two dates in PHP

php date compare with today

 $end_dt) {
    echo 'join_dt greater than end_dt';

if ($join_dt < $end_dt) {
    echo 'join_dt lesser than end_dt';

if ($join_dt == $end_dt) {
    echo 'end_dt is equal than join_dt';

I hope you get an idea about php date compare.
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