php mcq – html code for online quiz program

php mcq : online quiz project in php and mysql, php quiz code, php mysql multiple choice quiz source code and php coding test questions.

php mcq – php coding test questions

Source Code of Online Quiz in PHP : Our 10+ PHP Programming MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions and Answers) focus on all areas of PHP Programming covering 5+ topics.

Here, i will create a web-based application(php mcq) for php mysql multiple choice quiz source code.

For making the php quiz code application, i needed to develop the following all the files;

  1. database_connection.php
  2. index.php
  3. retrievemcqTest.php
  4. retrivesolutions.php
  5. saveallmcq.php

PHP MCQ Questions : This section focuses on “Basics” of PHP.

php mysql multiple choice quiz source code

This PHP file source contains all code about database_connection.php.

Don’t Miss : php mysql multiple choice quiz source code

This main file data contains all source code about main root file index.php.

Quiz Application - online quiz project in php and mysql

MCQs Application -

Enter your name:      

This PHP file data contains all code about get a allthe the mcqTest data.

echo '
'; echo ''; // get mcq McqQues and their options $sqlMCQs = "SELECT * FROM questions_master"; $solutionMCQs = mysqli_query($con, $sqlMCQs); while ($rowMCQs = mysqli_fetch_assoc($solutionMCQs)){ $id = $rowMCQs['id']; $question = $rowMCQs['question']; $selection1 = $rowMCQs['op1']; $selection2 = $rowMCQs['op2']; $selection3 = $rowMCQs['op3']; $answer = $rowMCQs['answer']; echo '
'; echo '

Question #'.$no.'

'; echo '


'; echo '


'; echo ''.$selection1.'    '; echo ''.$selection2.'    '; echo ''.$selection3.'    '; echo '
'; $no++; } echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; } }

This data file contains all source code about get the all solutions.

Enter your name and click Take mcqTest button!

'; echo ''; $sqlScore = "select * from member"; $solutionScore = mysqli_query($con, $sqlScore); while ($rowScore = mysqli_fetch_assoc($solutionScore)){ $name = $rowScore['name']; $score = $rowScore['score']; echo ''; $no++; } echo '
'; echo '
'; }

This php file data contains all the source code about submitting or save the quiz.

 $value) {
if($key == 'nameofmember'){
}else if ($key == 'submit') {
$tempAnswer = $_POST[$key];
// count total McqQues and correct answers
$sqlAnswer = "select  count(*) count from questions_master where id = '$key' and answer = '$tempAnswer'";
$solutionAnswer = mysqli_query($con, $sqlAnswer);
$rowAnswer = mysqli_fetch_assoc($solutionAnswer);
$numAnswer = $rowAnswer['count'];
if ($numAnswer < 1){
// wrong answer
else {
// correct answer
// Store score in db
$sqlSubmit = "insert into member (name, score) values ('$nameofmember', '$correctAnswers/$totalMcqQues')";
if (mysqli_query($con, $sqlSubmit)){
header("Location: index.php?status=succes");
} else {
header("Location: index.php?status=error");

I hope you get an idea about php quiz code - how to create quiz in php and mysql?.
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