PHP Parse URL Querystring Into Array
Today, We want to share with you PHP Parse URL Querystring Into Array.
In this post we will show you Parse URL Querystring Into Array In PHP, hear for php – Parse query string into an array we will give you demo and example for implement.
In this post, we will learn about parse_str to Get Query String from URL in PHP with an example.
parse_str() to Get Query String from URL in PHP
The parse_str() function parses a data query string into convert variables.Simple defination is parse_str(functions) — The Parses the string into convert variables
The URL can pass along with parameters in the form submit of query string. and get PHP can retrieve all varibles and get the query string for manipulation data and handling in some functions and execute processes.
Syntax of parse_str() Function
what is query string in php?
Your URL :
The query string is:
Access the value of the your query string :
echo $id = $_GET['id'];
Get URL query string
get parameters from a URL string?
$project = parse_url($url); parse_str($project['query'], $querydata); echo $querydata['email']; or echo $_GET['email'];
PHP Querystring Functions
$url_string = "[email protected]&pass=9898"; $query_string = parse_url($url_string, PHP_URL_QUERY); parse_str($query_string, $query_res); print_r($query_res);
Array ( [email] => [email protected] [pass] => 9898 )
Parse URL Querystring Into Array In PHP
$str = "name=segement&arrval[]=kpi+segment&arrval[]=project"; parse_str($str, $data_val); echo $data_val['name']; // segement echo $data_val['arrval'][0]; // kpi segment echo $data_val['arrval'][1]; // project
php query string example
"; echo $age; echo "
**********"; ?>Output
kpi ------- 28 ********Parse query string into an array
$get_data = "segement=A&kpi=2&project&data"; parse_str($get_data, $get_val); print_r($get_val);Retrieve & Get Query String from URL in PHP
way 1: ------ $_GET["uservalidname"]; $_POST["uservalidname"]; $_REQUEST["uservalidname"]; way 2: ------ way 3: ------ way 4: ------ parse_str($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]); way 5: ------ parse_str($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"], $query_array_datavalue); print_r($query_array_datavalue);We hope you get an idea about PHP Parse URL Querystring Into Array
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