python remove newline from string – how to remove newline from string in python?

python remove newline from string – Write a Python program to remove a newline in Python. Use the strip() Function to Remove a Newline Character From the String in Python.

python removing \n from string

line = line.strip('\n')
line = line.strip('\t')

python remove newline from string

The rstrip() means stripping or removing characters from the right side. It removes trailing newlines as well as whitespaces from the given string. and Using replace() method: To remove any of the newlines found between a string

Use the strip() Function

Use the strip() Function to Remove a Newline Character From the String in Python
Example 1

webstmt = "\n Pakainfo has the useful tutorials \n"
newstr = webstmt.strip()


Pakainfo has the useful tutorials

Example 2

webstmt = "\n Pakainfo has the useful tutorials \n"
newstr = webstmt.rstrip()


Pakainfo has the useful tutorials

Use the replace() Function

Use the replace() Function to Remove a Newline Character From the String in Python

list1 = ["Pakainfo\n", "has the \nuseful", "tutorials\n\n "]
output = []

for x in list1:
    output.append(x.replace("\n", ""))

print("Fresh list : " + str(output))


Fresh list : ['Pakainfo', 'has the useful', 'tutorials ']

Use the re.sub() Function

Use the re.sub() Function to Remove a Newline Character From the String in Python

#import the regex library
import re

list1 = ["Pakainfo\n", "has the \nuseful", "tutorials\n\n "]
output = []
for sub in list1:
    output.append(sub.replace("\n", ""))
print("Fresh List : " + str(output))


Fresh List : ['Pakainfo', 'has the useful', 'tutorials ']

Don’t Miss : escape sequence in python

Python | Removing newline character from string

example_str = ['paka\ng', 'info\ns', 'lon\nest', 'lov\nr', 'demo\n']

print("The original list : " + str(example_str))

res = []
for sub in example_str:
	res.append(sub.replace("\n", ""))
print("List after newline character removal : " + str(res))

python remove new line

lines = ("line 1 \r\n")

remove n from string python

a_string = a_string.rstrip("\n")

I hope you get an idea about python remove newline from string or python how to remove n from string.
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