Simple Vue.js 2 CRUD application
Today, We want to share with you Simple Vue.js 2 CRUD application.
In this post we will show you Build a Basic CRUD App with Vue.js and Node, hear for Creating a simple CRUD application with Laravel 5 and Vue.js 2 we will give you demo and example for implement.
In this post, we will learn about Basic CRUD Operations Using Vue.js Example with an example.
simple source code for DOM Html elements
Vue.js CRUD application Vue.js 2 CRUD application
Ported from: Vue.js CRUD application
Add post
Name Description Price Actions {{ }} {{ post.postDesc }} {{ post.pview }} Edit Remove Add new post
{{ }}
Description:{{ post.postDesc }}Price:{{ post.pview }}
Back to post list Edit post
Remove post {{ }}
all the included javascript source code
var posts = [ {id: 1, name: 'Angular', postDesc: 'happy bday wala janamdivash mubark ho apko', pview: 100}, {id: 2, name: 'Ember', postDesc: 'I love you my sweet hart.', pview: 100}, {id: 3, name: 'React', postDesc: 'my best and dear sweet hart i miss u.', pview: 100} ]; function findPost (postId) { return posts[findPostKey(postId)]; }; function findPostKey (postId) { for (var key = 0; key < posts.length; key++) { if (posts[key].id == postId) { return key; } } }; var List = Vue.extend({ template: '#post-list', data: function () { return {posts: posts, searchKey: ''}; }, computed: { filteredPosts: function () { return this.posts.filter(function (post) { return this.searchKey=='' || !== -1; },this); } } }); var Post = Vue.extend({ template: '#post', data: function () { return {post: findPost(this.$route.params.post_id)}; } }); var PostEdit = Vue.extend({ template: '#post-edit', data: function () { return {post: findPost(this.$route.params.post_id)}; }, methods: { updatePost: function () { var post =; posts[findPostKey(] = { id:, name:, postDesc: post.postDesc, pview: post.pview }; router.push('/'); } } }); var postRemove = Vue.extend({ template: '#post-delete', data: function () { return {post: findPost(this.$route.params.post_id)}; }, methods: { deletePost: function () { posts.splice(findPostKey(this.$route.params.post_id), 1); router.push('/'); } } }); var AddPost = Vue.extend({ template: '#add-post', data: function () { return {post: {name: '', postDesc: '', pview: ''}} }, methods: { createPost: function() { var post =; posts.push({ id: Math.random().toString().split('.')[1], name:, postDesc: post.postDesc, pview: post.pview }); router.push('/'); } } }); var router = new VueRouter({routes:[ { path: '/', component: List}, { path: '/post/:post_id', component: Post, name: 'post'}, { path: '/add-post', component: AddPost}, { path: '/post/:post_id/edit', component: PostEdit, name: 'post-edit'}, { path: '/post/:post_id/delete', component: postRemove, name: 'post-delete'} ]}); app = new Vue({ router:router }).$mount('#app')
cusome css available
.logo { width: 78px; float: left; margin-right: 16px; } .pakainfo form-group grp { max-width: 600px; } .actions { padding: 11px 0; } .glyphicon-euro { font-size: 13px; }
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