How to update multiple rows of multiple column in sql?

Today, We want to share with you sql update multiple columns.In this post we will show you sql update multiple columns from another table, hear for how to update multiple rows in sql using single query we will give you demo and example for implement.In this post, we will learn about MySQL Multicolumn UPDATE JOIN subquery with an example.

SQL UPDATE Statement

There are the Following The simple About left join vs left outer join Full Information With Example and source code.

As I will cover this Post with live Working example to develop sql subquery, so the sql update multiple rows with different values is used for this example is following below.

How do I update values in a database?

The UPDATE statement updates data values in a database.
UPDATE can update one or more rows in a table.
Use the WHERE clause to UPDATE only specific rows.

The SQL UPDATE syntax

The general syntax is

UPDATE dbtable-nm 
   SET datacolumn1 = value1, 
       datacolumn2 = value2, ...

To limit the number of rows to UPDATE append a WHERE clause:

UPDATE dbtable-nm 
   SET datacolumn1 = value1, 
       datacolumn2 = value2, ...
 WHERE condition


SQL Query Question: suspend all items in the mysql database

UPDATE Product
   SET CheckInterrupt = 1

Note:: the value 1 gifts true.

SQL Query Question: suspend items over $50.

UPDATE Product
   SET CheckInterrupt = 1
 WHERE UnitPrice > 50

Note:: the value 1 gifts true.

SQL Query Question: suspend item with Id = 46.

UPDATE Product
   SET CheckInterrupt = 1
 WHERE Id = 46

This is a more common phase in which a single row is updated.

Note:: the value 1 gifts true.

SQL Query Question: distributor Norske Meierier (Id = 21) has moved:
update their city, phone and fax.

UPDATE distributor
   SET Address = 'rajkor', 
       Phone = '(0)1-989856', 
       Fax = '(0)1-568953'
 WHERE Id = 21

This is a common phase in which a single row is updated.

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I hope you get an idea about sql update multiple columns.
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