What is the Raw_input in Python?

Today, We want to share with you python raw_input.In this post we will show you Is there an alternative to input() in Python?, hear for python raw_input vs input we will give you demo and example for implement.In this post, we will learn about python extract data from json file with an example.

Python raw_input Example (Input From Keyboard)

raw_input syntax

for Python v2.x:

membersINFO = raw_input('Prompt :')
print (membersINFO)

Python v3.x as raw_input() was renamed to input() :

membersINFO = input('Prompt :')
print (membersINFO)

Python raw_input example

read the user name using raw_input() and display back on the screen using print():
Example 1:

a = raw_input('What\'s your name : ')
print 'Membername : ', a
What's your name : Virat Kohali
Membername :  Virat Kohali

What is it and Popular Commands in Python.

a string called option converted to a numeric variable:

# Version 1
## Show menu ##
print (30 * '-')
print ("   M A I N - M E N U")
print (30 * '-')
print ("1. Sync")
print ("2. Member management")
print ("3. Reboot the server")
print (30 * '-')
## Get input ###
option = raw_input('Enter your option [1-3] : ')
### Convert string to int type ##
option = int(option)
### Take action as per selected menu-option ###
if option == 1:
        print ("Starting Syncing...")
elif option == 2:
        print ("Starting user management...")
elif option == 3:
        print ("Rebooting the server...")
else:    ## default ##
        print ("Invalid number. Try again...")

Other Way

# Version 2
print (30 * '-')
print ("   M A I N - M E N U")
print (30 * '-')
print ("1. Sync")
print ("2. Member management")
print ("3. Reboot the server")
print (30 * '-')
## Robust error handling ##
## only accept int       ##
## Wait for valid input in while...not ###
while not is_valid :
        try :
                option = int ( raw_input('Enter your option [1-3] : ') )
                is_valid = 1 ## set it to 1 to validate input and to terminate the while..not loop
        except ValueError, e :
                print ("'%s' is not a valid integer." % e.args[0].split(": ")[1])
### Take action as per selected menu-option ###
if option == 1:
        print ("Starting Syncing...")
elif option == 2:
        print ("Starting user management...")
elif option == 3:
        print ("Rebooting the server...")
        print ("Invalid number. Try again...")

Sample outputs

   M A I N - M E N U
1. Sync
2. Member management
3. Reboot the server
Enter your option [1-3] : x
''x'' is not a valid integer.
Enter your option [1-3] : 
'''' is not a valid integer.
Enter your option [1-3] : 1
Starting Syncing...

Python 3 input() example

membersINFO = input('Prompt :')
print (membersINFO)

Convert String Value To Integer Value in Python 3

nano test.py

# Version 3
number = int(input("What is your mobile number ? :"))

last run this example python3 test.py

I hope you get an idea about How to obtain an user input?.
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