php count array length elements with specific value

In PHP array length Example, array is an execution of an ordered Map. as well as A data map is an abstract data type of some key value term sets. this is one type of an interface, a arrangement.

Solution: Use the PHP count() as well as sizeof() length function

You can easy to use the get length of the total results find via PHP count() as well as sizeof() method to fetch the number of all the data elements read as well as find the values in an array. here available my prev Article The count() function and sizeof() function returns Boolean value like as 0 for a variable as a data that has been simply mode of the initialised with data value null or an empty array, so it might also Boolean value return 0 for a variable that are not well We can basically step by step to understand the below Flowchart.

array length in php-flowchart


count(array, mode)

PHP count() & sizeof() Function

You can additionally use the isset() function to check whether a variable is set or not. Example of Counting an Array Values in PHP

echo 'Total number of players in the $players array is - ' . sizeof($players);


Total number of players in the $players array is = 7
Total number of players in the $players array is = 7

How to create an Array in PHP?

An empty array

Single dimensional array



Associative array

"Batsmen", "Bhmrah"=>"Bolawer", "Sachin"=>"Batsmen");

// loop through get a associative all the array data value as well as retrive key value pairs
foreach($players as $key => $value) {
    echo "Key=" . $key . ", Value=" . $value;
    echo "
"; } ?>

Two dimensional array

Row number $row

"; echo "
    "; for ($col = 0; $col < 3; $col++) { echo "
  • ".$players[$row][$col]."
  • "; } echo "
"; } ?>

Via PHP loop

Example : PHP count() Function

Return the total number of data elements in an array like below example: array length in php

echo count($players); 
echo "

"; print_r($players); echo "


    [0] => Virat
    [1] => Sachin
    [2] => Dhoni

Web Programming Tutorials Example with Demo

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I hope you get an idea about array length in php.
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