Instagram is a great platform to share and connect with people. It allows you to display your talents, while getting in touch with others who might admire your talents. There are tons of people on Instagram, and you can gain a lot of followers by using effective tips. Famoid instagram followers are one of the best in the market!
If you are looking for a way to grow your brand on social media, one of the most popular sites is Instagram. We all know that with more instagram followers comes more opportunities. This blog post will give you few quick tips to get more followers on Instagram!
Tips #1: Post and re-post
Description: Post and re-post the same photo on your account. You can do this by clicking ‘edit’ then add more to the caption of a picture you already posted, but make sure it is not too old or will cause people to unfollow you.
Tips #2: Post about trending topics
Description: Keep track of what’s going on in current events and post photos with hashtags that are related to those events. People love novelty, and if they search for these hashtags, they might find themselves like some of your photos!
Just remember, though, don’t just keep posting random stuff because nobody wants that kind of content! Not only is it unappealing but also annoying, so be careful here.
Tip #3: Create an Instagram promotion website
Description: If you’re a blogger, it might be easier for people to find your Instagram account if they can go on one site and click the link. It also makes it easy to share too! To create an ‘Instagram promotion website’ that has all of your social media accounts linked together to make it much easier for others to follow.
Tip #4: Unfollow inactive users
Description Description: This isn’t recommended because some followers may unfollow back,
but this could help grow your following more efficiently. I recommend doing this after about 30 days of no activity on their end (aka not liking or commenting)
Tip #5: Use hashtags
Description: Using hashtags is key when trying to gain followers online. Hashtags are used to categorize the type of content you are posting. Use hashtags that other people in your industry or niche use, and popular ones like #travel and #happy because maybe someone searching for those topics will find their way onto one of your posts!
Tip #6: Go easy on the selfies/food photos
Description: I know it’s tempting to post about how good your food looks or take a selfie while travelling but avoid doing this too often since it can get repetitive fast. Posting once in a while is okay, don’t overdo it!
People love adventure so try finding new ways to present yourself online. So show off some products if you’re selling them or even taking pictures with strangers who enjoy using the same hashtags you do!
Tip #7: Use video to your advantage
Description: Posting videos is a great way to show people what kind of adventures or experiences they could be having if they follow you too.
It’s also fun for them, considering that most like watching short clips rather than long paragraphs, so use this tactic wisely and don’t go overboard. If someone goes on Instagram just looking at photos, I’m sure they will change their mind after seeing some cool videos posted by others!
Tip #8: Request feedback from followers who already liked your content
Description: If you already have a few followers, make sure to show your gratitude by asking them how they liked previous posts.
This is a great way for people who appreciate what you do
and want more of it! Maybe even ask if they can suggest future content that you should post about, which could lead to some ideas with the outcome being new likes from different accounts.
Tip #9: Use hashtags when posting on other social media platforms
Description: Remember those trending topics I mentioned earlier? Make sure these are used in all of your social media sites, so users know where else to find you online besides Instagram. It also helps gain exposure which never hurt anyone, right? So use popular hashtags on Twitter, too since it seems like the most natural place for them!
Tip #10: Post at the right time of day
Description: I know it’s hard to choose what times people are most active on social media websites, but you can make a few general assumptions like evenings and weekends. Even if your main goal is to grow followers, posting during peak hours could lead to new likes! Does it never hurt to try, so why not give this tactic a go?
Tip #11: Avoid posting generic content
Description: Make sure to post unique and interesting things that will stand out over the others. Even if it means trying new types of photos or videos, do so! You want your followers thinking you’re different than everyone else since they might unfollow you otherwise .
So don’t be afraid to try something new but make sure it is still related back to what got you where you are in the first place!
Tip #12: Keep followers in the loop with contests and giveaways
Description: Do you have any products or discounts? This is a great way to use them without giving too much away since they would be charging for it. Using this tactic can also get people sharing your posts which adds up to more likes!
I’ve seen accounts gain thousands of new likes by doing things like this so why not give something back right?
It’s always nice when companies do these types of things anyway, even if it means gaining some free advertisement! Just make sure that whatever contest or giveaway you end up choosing has an actual prize otherwise users will lose interest fast.
In conclusion, there are many ways to get more followers on Instagram. Using these tips can help you gain new likes in no time!