jQuery ajax pagination in php MySQLi

Today, We want to share with you ajax pagination in php.In this post we will show you pagination without refreshing page php, hear for ajax pagination using jquery with php and mysql we will give you demo and example for implement.In this post, we will learn about Advanced jQuery Ajax Pagination PHP MySQL using jQuery with an example.

simple jQuery ajax pagination in php

In this tutorial we learn to all about ajax pagination in php Examples like as a simple pagination in php, pagination without refreshing page php, pagination in php mysqli, dynamic pagination in php with mysql example or many more.

build Ajax Pagination in PHP

├── gloablConf.php
├── index.php
├── fetchArticles.php
├── CustomPagination.class.php
├── js/
│   └── jquery.min.js
└── css/
    └── style.css

CustomPagination class

include_once 'CustomPagination.class.php'; 
$customPaginationConfig = array( 
    'baseURL' => 'fetchArticles.php', 
    'totalRows' => $rowCount, 
    'perPage' => 10, 
    'contentDiv' => 'dataContainer' 
$pagination =  new CustomPagination($customPaginationConfig);

Display pagination links

createLinks(); ?>

Create Database Table

CREATE TABLE `articles` (
 `title` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
 `created` datetime NOT NULL,
 `modified` datetime NOT NULL,
 `status` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '1=Active | 0=Inactive',
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;

Database Configuration (gloablConf.php)

connect_error) { 
    die("Connection failed: " . $db->connect_error); 

Data List with Ajax Pagination (index.php)

Loading Image

Add Pagination:

query("SELECT COUNT(*) as rowNum FROM articles"); $response = $query->fetch_assoc(); $rowCount= $response['rowNum']; $customPaginationConfig = array( 'baseURL' => $baseURL, 'totalRows' => $rowCount, 'perPage' => $limit, 'contentDiv' => 'articleContent' ); $pagination = new CustomPagination($customPaginationConfig); $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM articles ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT $limit"); if($query->num_rows > 0){ ?>
fetch_assoc()){ ?>
createLinks(); ?>

Get CustomPagination Data


query("SELECT COUNT(*) as rowNum FROM articles"); 
    $response  = $query->fetch_assoc(); 
    $rowCount= $response['rowNum']; 
    $customPaginationConfig = array( 
        'baseURL' => $baseURL, 
        'totalRows' => $rowCount, 
        'perPage' => $limit, 
        'currentPage' => $offset, 
        'contentDiv' => 'articleContent' 
    $pagination =  new CustomPagination($customPaginationConfig); 

    $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM articles ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT $offset,$limit"); 
    if($query->num_rows > 0){ 

fetch_assoc()){ ?>
createLinks(); ?>

I hope you get an idea about ajax pagination in php.
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