laravel tutorial for beginners step by step

laravel tutorial for beginners step by step : Laravel is an open-source PHP Framework. I create Web Application using Important Syntaxes of Laravel. Laravel was created by Taylor Otwell in July 2011. Laravel follows the MVC (Model, View, Controller) Architecture.

Understanding Framework – laravel tutorial for beginners step by step

This is a stage to develop any web application. It is a collection of some Predefined Methods, Classes and Files, and programmers can use their code to further improve the functionality of Laravel.

Many types of tools and packages are available to create a web application in Laravel, if you are interested in web development then Laravel is the best platform for you. It also offers a lot of functionality which also adds to the basic features of PHP framework like: CodeIgniter, Yii, Ruby and other languages.

If you are familiar with Core PHP and advance PHP then Laravel will make your task very easy. Apart from this, Laravel provides many security and also protects against many types of web attacks.

History Of Laravel

Laravel first version(Laravel 1) was created by Taylor Otwell in June,2011. And later in the same month, Laravel 1 was released.

History Of Laravel
History Of Laravel

Version Released on
Laravel 1 June 9, 2011
Laravel 2 November 24, 2011
Laravel 3 February 22, 2012
Laravel 4 May 28, 2013
Laravel 5 February 2015
Laravel 5.1 June 2015
Laravel 5.2 December 2015
Laravel 5.3 August 23, 2016
Laravel 5.4 January 24, 2017
Laravel 6 September 3, 2019
Laravel 7 March 3, 2020
Laravel 8 September 8, 2020

Need Of Laravel

The most used PHP framework in 2011 was CodeIgniter. Because it was easy to learn. Web developers did many projects through CodeIgniter Framework, but many of its features had problems such as User Authorization and Authentication. Then Taylor Otwell started developing Laravel considering the shortcomings of CodeIgniter.

Developed for CodeIgniter PHP version 5.3. CodeIgniter does not provide namespace type features but in Laravel I get namespace and many types of features inbuilt.

Advantages of Laravel

MVC Support and Object-Oriented Approach : First and foremost the advantage of Laravel is – Model, View and Controller based architectural pattern and good important syntax in Laravel makes it object-oriented. Laravel supports the MVC Architecture.

Built-In Authentication and Authorization : Laravel provides out-of-the-box configuration for authentication and authorization systems. By means of few artisan commands you can secure your web application with authentication and authorization.

Multiple File System : Laravel also supports cloud storage like amazon S3 and Rack space cloud storage and yes local storage. And it is also very easy to switch on these storages because the API is the same for all. I can use only three storage in a web application.

Eloquent ORM : ORM Means Object-Relational Mapper is a self implementation ORM of ORM Laravel. Laravel’s Mapper is better than Other Fretwork, this Mapper lets you interact with your Database object.

Artisan Console : Also Laravel has its own command-line(CMD) interface called Artisan. I create Laravel web application through artisan commands, manage database migration, generate Controllers, models etc. can do.

Batter Performance : Models, Controllers, views increase the performance of the Laravel web application. There are already many standard classes, functions, tools available in Laravel, using which one can easily complete the application development work in a very short time. Complete information about all these Standard Tools is available on Laravel’s Official Website

Disadvantages Of Laravel

No normal web-developer or software engineer can use Laravel Framework directly without PHP knowledge because some special classes have been already created in Laravel and their names and objects have been defined.

Therefore, before using it, the developer should have knowledge related to PHP and its diff- diff Class & Object.

Before using it, there should be knowledge of core concepts (Model, View, Controller) of MVC architecture. In MVC, the source code of a project is divided into three different logical parts according to the work to be done by it.

Since Laravel also follows the MVC architecture, the developers have to understand the MVC architecture before using it.

I hope you get an idea about laravel tutorial for beginners step by step.
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