mysql get current month records from datetime – How to get current month data in php?

mysql get current month records from datetime using MySQL MONTH() function (range of 1 to 12 ( January to December)) syntax & Example

mysql get current month records from datetime

Get records of current month

FROM orders

In the above query, i use system function MONTH() to get current month and YEAR() to get current year.

get month from database php

echo 'Join Day' . date('d', strtotime($data['custm_date']));
echo 'Join Month' . date('m', strtotime($data['custm_date']));
echo 'Join Year' . date('Y', strtotime($data['custm_date']));

How to Get Records of Current Month in MySQL

mysql> select * from incomes;
| custm_date | sale | custms |
| 2022-08-28 |  300 |     10 |
| 2022-08-29 |  650 |     15 |
| 2022-08-30 |  650 |     12 |
| 2022-09-01 |  650 |     14 |
| 2022-09-02 |  150 |     20 |
| 2022-09-03 |  300 |     21 |
| 2022-09-08 |  582 |     15 |
| 2022-09-09 |  582 |     17 |
| 2022-09-06 |  650 |     12 |
| 2022-09-07 |  150 |     15 |
| 2022-09-08 |  300 |     12 |
| 2022-09-09 |  582 |     18 |

How to Get incomes Data of Current Month in MySQL

mysql> select * from incomes
       where MONTH(custm_date)=MONTH(now())
       and YEAR(custm_date)=YEAR(now());
| custm_date | sale | custms |
| 2022-09-01 |  650 |     14 |
| 2022-09-02 |  150 |     20 |
| 2022-09-03 |  300 |     21 |
| 2022-09-08 |  582 |     15 |
| 2022-09-09 |  582 |     17 |
| 2022-09-06 |  650 |     12 |
| 2022-09-07 |  150 |     15 |
| 2022-09-08 |  300 |     12 |
| 2022-09-09 |  582 |     18 |

SQL query to get records of current month in MySQL.

mysql> SELECT * FROM incomes
      WHERE custm_date >= (LAST_DAY(NOW()) + INTERVAL 1 DAY - INTERVAL 1 MONTH)
      AND custm_date <  (LAST_DAY(NOW()) + INTERVAL 1 DAY);
| custm_date | sale | custms |
| 2022-09-01 |  650 |     14 |
| 2022-09-02 |  150 |     20 |
| 2022-09-03 |  300 |     21 |
| 2022-09-08 |  582 |     15 |
| 2022-09-09 |  582 |     17 |
| 2022-09-06 |  650 |     12 |
| 2022-09-07 |  150 |     15 |
| 2022-09-08 |  300 |     12 |
| 2022-09-09 |  582 |     18 |

I hope you get an idea about mysql get current month records from datetime.
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