php function return string – Create a PHP Function With Multiple Returns

php function return string – The strval() function is an inbuilt function in PHP as well as substr() Return part of a string or strval() is used to convert any scalar value (string, integer, or double) to a string.

php function return string

PHP function: substr or strval— Return part of a string. To return a value, you will use the return keyword inside of your function.

function return string in array php

php return array

 $result[0] = "virat";
$result[1] = "rohit";
$result[2] = "dinesh";
return $result;

$product = product();
foreach($product as $rows){
echo $rows;

Don’t Miss : Php string replace multiple

return string value in php

php int to string

$number = 25;

echo strval($number);

echo (String) $number;
// Results
// "25"
// "25"

PHP – strval() Function


I hope you get an idea about php function return string.
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