php if file exists – How to Check if a File Exists in PHP?

php if file exists – using PHP | file_exists( ), file_exists() function, Use the is_file(), Use the is_readable() function and Use the is_writable() function to check if a file exists and writable.

How to Check If a File Exists in PHP?

php if file exists – It’s an inbuilt function which is used to check whether a file or directory exists or not.

Check if a file exists using the file_exists() function

file_exists ( string $filename ) : bool


Check if a file exists using the is_file() function


Check if a file exists and readable


$website_information_file = 'pakainfo.txt';

if (is_readable($website_information_file)) {
	echo 'The file ' . $website_information_file . ' exists and is readable';
} else {
	echo 'The file ' . $website_information_file . ' may not exist or unreadable';

Check if a file exists and writable


Also Read:

Checking if a File Exists in PHP



The file "pakainfo.txt" exists.
"pakainfo.txt" is indeed a file.
"" turned out to be a directory.

I hope you get an idea about php if file exists.
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