PHP int: Today, We want to share with you PHP int.In this post we will show you Php get number from string, hear for php convert string to float with 2 decimal we will give you demo and example for implement.In this post, we will learn about How To Convert A String To A Number In PHP? with an example.
PHP int
Numbers in PHP can take four forms:
- Integers
- Floats
- Infinity
- NaN
Example : 1 Use Type Casting
"; // Results: integer echo $int . "
"; // Results: 2 $float = (float)$member_number; echo gettype($float) . "
"; // Results: double echo $float; ?>
Example : 2 How to Convert a String to a Number in PHP?
Using number_format() Function
Float Value: '.number_format($marketing,2); }else{ echo 'Not a numaric value'; } ?>
Example : 3 Using Type Casting settype()
$marketing = '25'; $marketingf = '25.99'; $marketingd = '25.99'; if (is_numeric($marketing)){ echo 'Integer Value: '.(int)$marketing; }else{ echo 'Not a numaric value'; } if (is_numeric($marketingf)){ echo '
Float Value: '.(float)$marketingf; }else{ echo 'Not a numaric value'; } if (is_numeric($marketingf)){ echo '
Double Value: '.(double)$marketingd; }else{ echo 'Not a numaric value'; }
I hope you get an idea about php convert string to int.
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