Today, We want to share with you PHP Object Cloning Magic Methods Example.
In this post we will show you what is Object Cloning in php?, hear for Object Cloning in PHP – PHP OOP Tutorial we will give you demo and example for implement.
In this post, we will learn about PHP Clone Object – How To Clone Object in PHP with an example.
PHP Object Cloning Magic Methods Example
There are the Following The simple About PHP Object Cloning Magic Methods Example Full Information With Example and source code.with more Example Like abstract class in php, oops class php, php class constructor, php class constructor with parameters, class constants in php, php class variables, php class example, PHP class, use class in php
Copy Objects by Assignment
name = "Jaydeep"; $objDevlopers->category = "Angular Devloper"; //Copying object $objCopied = $objDevlopers; $objCopied->name = "Krunal"; $objCopied->category = "PHP Devloper" print_r($objDevlopers); print_r($objCopied); ?>
When I some change to PHP $objCopied it more affects like $objDevlopers. The output is below,
Values of object $objDevlopers: Devlopers Object ( [name] => Krunal [category] => PHP Devloper ) Values of Copied object $objCopied: Devlopers Object ( [name] => Krunal [category] => PHP Devloper )
Object Copy by clone
PHP simple __clone is a good and secure method in server side PHP. Magic PHP methods are alredy predefined in serialize PHP and simple starts with symbols “__” (double underscore).
name = "Jaydeep"; $objDevlopers->category = "Angular Devloper"; //Cloning the original object $objCloned = clone $objDevlopers; $objCloned->name = "Ankit"; $objCloned->category = "Angular Devloper"; print_r($objDevlopers); print_r($objCloned); ?>
And then I can display the difference in the PHP output of this source code.
Values of object $objDevlopers: Devlopers Object ( [name] => Jaydeep [category] => Angular Devloper ) Values of Cloned object $objCopied: Devlopers Object ( [name] => Ankit [category] => Angular Devloper )
Clone with Deep Copy
function deepClone($myobject) { return unserialize(serialize($myobject)); }
For more Good Offical documentation information of cloning in serverside PHP, refer or read the’s documentation.
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I hope you get an idea about OOP PHP Object Cloning Introduction.
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