php_eol – PHP Line Breaks : What is PHP_EOL? : PHP_EOL is Broken

php_eol : Use the php constant PHP_EOL to print the correct end of line symbol no matter what system you’re on. It’s used to find the newline character in a cross-platform-compatible.

php_eol – Predefined Constants

php_eol representation of the end of the line. string remove line breaks php Example.

$webInfo = "Welcome To Pakainfo\ndevloped by Angular King\n100% downloading Website";
$webInfo = "Welcome To Pakainfo" . PHP_EOL . "devloped by Angular King" . PHP_EOL . "100% downloading Website";
echo $webInfo;




Welcome Pakainfo,
I've loved you. 

Using php_eol

$text = 'Line one' . PHP_EOL;
$text .= 'Line two' . PHP_EOL;
$file = fopen('file.txt', 'w');
fputs($file, $text);

using PHP function nl2br()

$webInfo = "Welcome To Pakainfo\ndevloped by Angular King\n100% downloading Website";
$webInfo = "Welcome To Pakainfo" . PHP_EOL . "devloped by Angular King" . PHP_EOL . "100% downloading Website";
$webInfo = nl2br($webInfo);
echo $webInfo;

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PHP constant “PHP_EOL”

PHP_EOL is a predefined constant in PHP that represents the end-of-line character sequence for the platform that PHP is running on.

On Windows, the PHP_EOL constant represents the “\r\n” (carriage return + line feed) sequence, while on Unix and Unix-like systems (e.g. macOS, Linux), it represents the “\n” (line feed) character.

You can use PHP_EOL in PHP code to ensure that line breaks are handled correctly on any platform. For example, if you want to write a string to a file with a newline at the end, you could use PHP_EOL to add the appropriate end-of-line sequence:

$file = fopen("example.txt", "w");
fwrite($file, "Hello, world!" . PHP_EOL);

In this example, we use PHP_EOL to add a newline to the end of the “Hello, world!” string before writing it to the file.

By using PHP_EOL, your code will be more portable across different platforms and will produce consistent line breaks regardless of the environment it is running in.

I hope you get an idea about php_eol.
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