pie chart in php with database – How to Make Pie Chart in Php and Mysql?

pie chart in php with database – here you can learn to Create Dynamic Pie Chart using Google API, PHP and MySQL example with demo. Steps to create a pie chart. So lets create the database by using following queries.

pie chart in php with database

Create Dynamic Pie Chart using Google API, PHP and MySQL – Dynamic Pie chart Using the Google Chart tools we will create pie chart in PHP with MySQL.

create a Pie Chart of the data using the Google API, PHP and MySQL

The following SQL creates players table which consist of id, code, players and ranks columns.

  `code` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  `players` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  `ranks` int(11) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)


INSERT INTO `players` (`id`, `code`, `players`, `ranks`) VALUES
(1, 'VK', 'virat kohali', 6),
(2, 'RS', 'rohit shamra', 16),
(3, 'KL', 'k l rahul', 14),
(4, 'ST', 'sachin tendulkar', 8),
(5, 'YV', 'yuvraj', 6);

first of all call ajax function to get players data, The DataTable object is used to hold the data passed into a visualization, To render the pie chart, load the visualization api and Set a callback to run when the Google Visualization API is loaded.

Pie Chart using data from MySQL table by PHP

1. index.php


2. getData.php

MySQL database connection code

    $array['rows'][] = array('c' => array( array('v'=> $orgname), array('v'=>(int)$count)) );
$data = json_encode($array);
echo $data;

Don’t Miss : how to create bar chart in php and mysql

I hope you get an idea about pie chart in php with database.
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