Today, We want to share with you Post Multiple photos Stories via Facebook API with PHP SDK.
In this post we will show you facebook api integration, hear for Publish Multi-Photo Stories using Facebook API with PHP SDK we will give you demo and example for implement.
In this post, we will learn about post a multiple photos via Facebook API with an example.
Post Multiple photos Stories via Facebook API with PHP SDK
There are the Following The simple About Post Multiple photos Stories via Facebook API with PHP SDK Full Information With Example and source code.There Following are the fews some steps to implement Publish Multi-Photo Stories.
- Create a Facebook App
- facebook developer app website to signup as a developer.
- Fetch the API key and the app secret key.
- Manage Facebook Login Into get the access token
- using facebook developer tools
- Make HTML Form to upload multiple photos.
- follows other facebook api documentation
Upload Facebook using PHP SDK
Upload Stories Multi-Photo Photos to Facebook using PHP API SDK
Publish Multi-Photo Stories using Facebook with PHP
IT is the PHP source code for simple My Post uploading multiple photos with server side folder to the specified target directory.
The simple PHP libs uploaded multi-photo file your locations are sent to a simple core PHP methods which manage the devloper Facebook API To one by one photo upload and handle process by using latest version of the PHP SDK.This PHP source code for FBUserPhoto class main file that manage the two or more multi-photo upload on Facebook Stories.
function uploadPhoto($fbtargetPath) { $fbuploadMultiIdArr = array(); foreach($fbtargetPath as $imgURLmultiple) { $fbMultipleImg = array( "url" => "" . $imgURLmultiple, "published" => false ); try { $results = $this->fb->post("/{user-id}/photos", $fbMultipleImg, $this->accessToken); $multiPhotoId = $results->getDecodedBody(); if(!empty($multiPhotoId["id"])) { $fbuploadMultiIdArr[] = $multiPhotoId["id"]; } } catch (FacebookResponseException $e) { // showing error message //print $e->getMessage(); exit(); } catch (FacebookSDKException $e) { //print $e->getMessage(); exit(); } } return $fbuploadMultiIdArr; }
Uploaded Multiple Photos Publish on Facebook Stories
Embed Multiple Photos and Publish Facebook Stories
function publishMultiPhotoStory($title, $fbuploadMultiIdArr) { $fbMultipleImg = array( "message" => $title ); foreach($fbuploadMultiIdArr as $k => $multiPhotoId) { $fbMultipleImg["attached_media"][$k] = '{"media_fbid":"' . $multiPhotoId . '"}'; } try { $results = $this->fb->post("/{user-id}/feed", $fbMultipleImg, $this->accessToken); } catch (FacebookResponseException $e) { // showing error message print $e->getMessage(); exit(); } catch (FacebookSDKException $e) { print $e->getMessage(); exit(); } }
This is the below Images with the our Facebook Stories output of public publishing two or More multiple differents photo story Like.
Download Source code
Publish Multi-Photo Stories using Facebook
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I hope you get an idea about Publish a status with multiple images in a Facebook post.
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