python create file if not exists Using the open() Function and Using the touch() Method of the pathlib Module Example with demo. Using a Write mode “w” or “w+” will create a file if not exists in Python.
python create file if not exists
Create a File if Not Exists in Python – Check if File Exists. Check if File Exists using the os.path Module, using the pathlib Module. To create a file if not exists in Python, use the open() function.
Mode | Description |
w |
Write |
r |
Read |
a |
Append |
w+ |
Create the file if it does not exist and then open it in write |
r+ |
Open the file in the read and write |
a+ |
Create the file if it does not exist and then open it in append |
file = open('myfolder/pakainfodoc.txt','a+')
file = open('myfolder/pakainfodoc.txt','w+')
Python Create File if Not Exists Using the touch() Method of the pathlib Module
from pathlib import Path pakainfodoc = Path('myfolder/pakainfodoc.txt') pakainfodoc.touch(exist_ok=True) f = open(pakainfodoc)
python create file if not exists
python create file if not exists
import os if not os.path.exists(path): with open(path, 'w'):
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Python Create File If Not Exists Example
python create file if doesbt exist
import os, stat import pathlib def checkFileExistByOSPath(baseurl): ret = False if(os.path.exists(baseurl)): ret = True print(baseurl + " exist.") # If this is a file. if(os.path.isfile(baseurl)): print(" and it is a file.") # This is a directory. else: print(" and it is a directory.") else: ret = False print(baseurl + " do not exist.") return ret def checkFileExistByException(baseurl): ret = True try: newFlObj = open(baseurl, 'r') # Read entire file content data. file_data = print(baseurl + " exist. It's data : " + file_data) except FileNotFoundError: ret = False print(baseurl + " do not exist.") except IOError: ret = False print(baseurl + " can not be read. ") except PermissionError: ret = False print("Do not have permission to read file " + baseurl) return ret def checkFileExistByPathlib(baseurl): ret = True pl = pathlib.Path(baseurl) ret = pl.exists() if(ret): print(baseurl + " exist.") else: print(baseurl + " do not exist.") if(pl.is_file()): print(baseurl + " is a file.") if(pl.is_dir()): print(baseurl + " is a directory.") return ret def checkFileStatusByOSAccess(baseurl): if(os.access(baseurl, os.F_OK)): print(baseurl + " exist.") else: print(baseurl + " do not exist.") if(os.access(baseurl, os.R_OK)): print(baseurl + " is readable.") if(os.access(baseurl, os.W_OK)): print(baseurl + " is writable.") if(os.access(baseurl, os.EX_OK)): print(baseurl + " is executable.") def makeFreshFile(baseurl): newFlObj = open(baseurl, 'w') newFlObj.write('File is created.') print(baseurl + " has been created. ") def createNewFolder(baseurl): if(not checkFileExistByOSPath(baseurl)): os.mkdir(baseurl) print(baseurl + " has been created. ") def setFilePermission(baseurl): os.chmod(baseurl, stat.S_IEXEC | stat.S_IREAD) if __name__ == '__main__': file_folder = "./test" createNewFolder(file_folder) baseurl = file_folder + "/pakainfo_v1.txt" fileExist = checkFileExistByPathlib(baseurl) if(not fileExist): makeFreshFile(baseurl) setFilePermission(baseurl) checkFileStatusByOSAccess(baseurl)
Check if File Exists using the pathlib Module
Example : python create file if not exists
from pathlib import Path if Path('pakainfo_v1.txt').is_file(): print ("File exist") else: print ("File not exist")
I hope you get an idea about python create file if not exists.
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