python remove substring from string – how to remove a substring from a string python?

python remove substring from string Use str.replace() Method to Replace Substring, Use str.removesuffix() to Remove Suffix and Use string.replace() Method to Replace Substring From String in Python Example.

python remove substring from string

python remove substring from string Use str.replace() within a for-loop to remove a substring from all strings. Let’s take an example to check how to remove a substring from a string python?

5 Ways to Remove a Character from String in Python


input_user_data = "DivasDwivedi"
# Printing original string  
print ("Original string: " + input_user_data) 
result_user_data = "" 
for i in range(0, len(input_user_data)): 
    if i != 3: 
        result_user_data = result_user_data + input_user_data[i] 
# Printing string after removal   
print ("String after removal of i'th character : " + result_user_data)


Python remove substring from a string if exists

user_data3= user_data2.replace("a","")

Remove a substring from a string python pandas

import pandas as pd

dt = {'ALPHABET':  ['a','z','f','h']
df = pd.DataFrame(dt, columns= ['ALPHABET'])
df['ALPHABET'] = df['ALPHABET'].str.replace('a','l')
print (df)

How to remove all occurrences of a substring from a string in python?

user_data1 = "Micheal"
print("Original string : " + user_data1)
# Using translate()
temp = user_data.maketrans("iche", "abcd")
user_data1 = user_data1.translate(temp)
print(" string after swap : " + str(user_data1)) 

Python remove substring from the middle of a string

user_data1 = input("Enter the string").replace("the","")

remove a part of a string python

url = ''

Don’t Miss : Remove Substring From String Python

remove substring from string python

delete certain characters from a string python

for char in line:
    if char in " ?.!/;:":

I hope you get an idea about python remove substring from string.
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