remove substring from string python – How to remove specific substrings from a set of strings in Python?

remove substring from string python Use str.replace() Method, Use string.replace() Method and Use str.removesuffix() to Remove Suffix From String Example with demo. Use str.replace() within a for-loop to remove a substring from all strings.

This Article will learn how to remove a character at the specific index in Python String.

remove substring from string python

remove substring from string python – Remove Substring From String in Python. remove substring from string python. Use the String translate() method to remove all occurrences of a substring from a string in python.

You can remove a word from a string using str.replace ()

remove word from string python

website_name = 'Pakainfo is a great Blog'
newString = website_name.replace('Pakainfo', '')
>>>' is a great Blog'

Use str.replace() Method to Replace Substring From String in Python 3.x


website_name = {'', '', '', '', ''}
result = {wl.replace('.com', '').replace('.uk', '') for wl in website_name}


{'pakainfo', 'angularjs', 'vuejs', 'php', 'laravel'}

Use string.replace() Method to Replace Substring From String in Python 2.x


website_name = "Pakainfo Welcome!"
result = website_name.replace("k", "c", 1)


Pacainfo Welcome!

Don’t Miss : Remove Last Character From String JavaScript

Use str.removesuffix() to Remove Suffix From String


website_name = 'Pakainfo'



python remove string from string

ranks = 'ls98jkd96fg'
print(ranks.replace('jk', ''))

remove substring from string python

userinput = "Pakainfo and Laravel are Great!"
userinput.replace('and Laravel ', '')
#Execute the code
result = "Pakainfo are Great!"

remove specific word from string using python

>>> userinput = 'you can use update information'
>>> userinput.replace('information', '')
>>>'you can use update '

you can use update information to remove specific word.

how to remove a substring from a string python?

Example : 1
remove substring python

>>> vuejs = 'vuejs is a useful Langusges'
>>> vuejs.replace('vuejs', '')
' is a useful Langusges'

Example : 2
python remove string from string

results = 'ab12abc34ba'
print(results.replace('ab', ''))

Example : 3
remove a part of a string python

website = ''

Example : 4
remove a part of a string python

import re
website = ''
website = re.sub('\.uk$', '', website)

I hope you get an idea about remove substring from string python.

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