Where is the correct place to insert a JavaScript head or body?

Where is the correct place to insert a JavaScript head or body? – the correct place to insert a JavaScript is ? the correct place to insert a JavaScript is The section & The section or part.

Where is the correct place to insert a JavaScript head or body?

Where to put JavaScript in an HTML Document ? – Java Script is a client side & server side scripting language. JavaScript in


You can place any number of scripts in an HTML document. Scripts can be placed in the

, or in the headsection of an HTML page, or in both.

  • JavaScript in body or head
  • JavaScript in head
  • JavaScript in body
  • External JavaScript
Where is the correct place to insert a JavaScript head or body?
Where is the correct place to insert a JavaScript head or body?

the correct place to insert a JavaScript is ?

The section
The section
Both 1 & 2
none of these

Where is the correct place to insert a JavaScript?

The  section
The  section
Both the  section and the  section are correct

best place to include script in html layout

You can place any script in the , or in the  section.

Don’t Miss : Where Is The Correct Place To Insert A Javascript?

----- Your All Javascript or jQuery Code here -----

I hope you get an idea about Where is the correct place to insert a JavaScript head or body.
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