array to string javascript – JavaScript array to string (with and without commas)

array to string javascript – JavaScript Array toString() Method and using join() here Method – array to string javascript, I will learn how to convert JavaScript array to string with or without commas. Free Demo with Example code included.

JavaScript array to string (with and without commas)

//array to string javascript
let numbers = [9, 8, 7, 6];
let numbersToString = numbers.toString();

// output is "9,8,7,6"

use the JSON.stringify method:

let members = [
  { name: "pakainfo" },
  { name: "infinityknow" },
  { name: "w3diy" },
  { name: "w3school" },
let membersToString = JSON.stringify(members);

// [{"name":"pakainfo"},{"name":"infinityknow"},{"name":"w3diy"},{"name":"w3school"}]"

JavaScript array to string without commas

join accepts one string parameter

[9, 8, 7].join(); // "9,8,7"
[9, 8, 7].join("+"); // "9+8+7"
[9, 8, 7].join(" "); // "9 8 7"

Also You can even pass an empty user string to the method:

[9, 8, 7].join(""); // 987

don’t Miss : Javascript Concatenate String And Variable

Converting an array of numbers

const numArray = [6, 7, 4];
numArray.toString();  // expected Result: 6,7,4

Converting an array of strings

const strArray= ['p', 'a', 'k'];
strArray.toString();  // expected Result: p,a,k

Converting mix arrays (both numbers and strings)

const productInfo = ['7', 98, 'Tamilrokers'];
productInfo.toString(); // expected Result: 7,98,Tamilrokers

Converting a String back to an Array

const str = productInfo.toString();
const resultData = str.split(',');
console.log('resultData: ', resultData);
// expected Result: ["7", "98", "Tamilrokers"]

Working with Nested Arrays

const arrInArr = [ '7', 98, [ 'Tamilrokers', 4 ] ];
arrInArr.toString(); // expected Result: 7,98,Tamilrokers,4

Example – array to string javascript

const objInArr = ['7', 98, { name: 'infinityknow', age: 58 } ];
objInArr.toString() ;  // expected Result: 7,98,[object Object]

I hope you get an idea about array to string javascript.
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