disadvantages of mysql, Just as SQL has many advantages, in the same way, SQL also has a-few disadvantages, know about its disadvantages.
MySQL disadvantages – What are the disadvantages of MySQL?
- disadvantages of mysql
- Complex Interface: SQL has a complex interface that makes a-few users uncomfortable while dealing with databases.
- Developers may find a-few of its limitations extremely frustrating.
- Due to a-few hidden business rules, full control over the database is not given.
- It completely depends on Table Objects.
- It suffers from poor performance scaling.
- MySQL does not allow a extremely large database size as efficiently.
- MySQL does not allow ROLE, COMMIT, as well as Stored procedures in versions less than 5.0.
- Some versions of SQL are extremely expensive so programmers cannot access it.
- The cost of a-few versions of SQL is extremely high, so it is difficult to create it.
- The development or evolution is not section driven so it has lagged behind.
- The performance or process tends to be heavily dependent on the addons.
- The interface of this language is extremely difficult, due to which extremely few users are able to access it.
- There are a few stability issues.
- Transactions are not handled extremely efficiently.