how to earn money from blogging step by step in 2024

how to earn money from blogging step by step 2023 : In the present time, due to rising inflation and employment, everyone wants to earn money. If someone wants to earn money by doing a job, then someone wants to earn money online with the help of his skills. Although getting a job has become very difficult in today’s time, but today through this blog we are going to tell about a good option to earn money online.

Today, through this article, we are going to give you complete information about how to earn money from blogging, so that you will get to know that how to earn money from blogging step by step?.

Often how to earn money from blogging step by step? this question comes in the mind of every person who has knowledge about blogging or who wants to know about blogging.

how to earn money from blogging step by step

Therefore, understanding the interest of our readers, we also thought that what is blogging to you? What are the ways to earn money from blogging? Questions etc. should be answered completely and that’s why today’s article has been written. We will tell you only those reliable ways by which you can really earn money with the help of blogging.

What is Blogging? & how to earn money from blogging step by step?

Blogging is such an online process under which a person can create his own blog or website by writing information about various subjects such as technology, science, education, business, health, food, fashion etc. shares.

For example, you are now reading about how to earn money from blogging on blog and we have shared this information with you through this blog that too in writing. Therefore, this whole process is called blogging.

If you also want to do blogging and want to earn money, then for this you have to create your own blog. To create a blog, you can create a blog of your own by going to Google’s free product Blogger.Com, absolutely for free.

Apart from this, if you have complete knowledge about blogging and you want to create a professional blog, then you can create your blog through WordPress.Com. As soon as your blog is created, you can share your knowledge through articles with other internet users.

The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Start a Blog and Make Money Blogging in 2023

Before starting any work, we should be aware of what things should be taken care of to do whatever work we are going to do, that is, what are the necessary things to start blogging. Therefore, we have told here below about the important things that you need to know about before starting blogging.

  1. To do blogging, you must have your own blog where you can publish by writing articles. You can create a blog through Blogger.Com or through WordPress.Com.
  2. With this you should know which niche you want to start your blog on. To create a blog, you should choose the same topic about which you are well aware and about which you like to know or about which people are interested to know.
  3. It is very important to have writing skills. If you have the art of writing and your article is easy to understand and read through which people get to learn something, then you can definitely become successful in blogging.
  4. Under blogging you have to write. Therefore, you must have a smartphone, laptop or computer on which you can easily write articles.
  5. Almost nothing is possible in the present time without the Internet. In such a situation, it is important that any device through which you want to start blogging should have internet facility.
  6. Never do that you started blogging and from the first day you keep hoping that you can earn money from the very beginning. Blogging is a subject in which you have to work with patience for about 6 to 12 months and then you get the ladder of success.
  7. Continuity can make you successful in any work provided you have to focus on your work diligently. Blogging also demands consistency with patience from you.
  8. Your aim should not be just to earn money from blogging but to share your knowledge. When people appreciate your knowledge then you will be able to earn money too.

So these were some important things that you needed to know. Hope you will adopt these things in your blogging field.

how to earn money from blogging step by step? | What are the ways to earn money from blogging?

By the way, there are many ways to earn money with the help of blogging, through which today many people are earning lakhs of rupees every month. But in this article, we have told about only those ways by which even a common person can earn money. We have told you below about all those ways while answering the question of how to earn money from blogging step by step?.

1] Google Adsense

Google AdSense

Any blogger thinks Google Adsense is the best way to earn money from blog because it is an easy way to earn money from blogging. Google Adsense is a product of Google through which a blogger can earn money by displaying ads on his blog.

To earn money with the help of Google Adsense, a blogger first has to create his blog and publish about 20 posts in it, as well as traffic should come to the blog. After this you have to send a request to Adsense for the blog to be Adsense Approval.

After this, as soon as your blog is approved, ads will be shown on your blog from Adsense. Here you have to keep one thing in mind, as soon as ads start appearing on your blog, then good traffic should also come to your blog.

Because the more traffic comes to your blog, the more money you can earn from your blog. Take special care of one thing that your article is according to the rules of Adsense community, only then you will get approval.

Below we have told the steps related to creating an account on Google Adsense –

How to get Google AdSense Approval for your Blog or Website 2

  • Step 1:- First of all go to the official website of Google Adsense.
  • Step 2 :- After going to the website, create your account through Sign Up option.
  • Step 3 :- After this add the URL of your blog and apply for Adsense Approval.
  • Step 4: – As soon as your blog will be validated for Google Adsense, then you will be given a unique code from Adsense which has to be copied.
  • Step 5: – After copying the code, go to your blog and paste it under the header by going to the Theme Editor.
  • Step 6 :- After this ads will be shown on your blog by Google Adsense and you will be able to earn money.

Now you must have understood well how to create an account on Google Adsense.

2] Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing

Today, people are not only shopping online, but they are earning money along with shopping from websites like Amazon and Flipkart. If you want to earn money through blogging then affiliate marketing is a good option.

If you have a lot of traffic on your blog every month, then you should join the affiliate program of websites like Amazon and Flipkart. Affiliate marketing means that you get money in the form of commission for selling and converting another company’s product online.

Therefore, many companies like Amazon and Flipkart are running affiliate programs. By joining their program, you can put a link to their product on your blog and whenever someone buys the product displayed by the link you put, you will get commission.

The commission depends on the price of the product. Although very little commission is given for selling physical products, but if you sell blog related software such as hosting and domain through affiliate marketing, then you get 50 to 80 percent commission.

3] Sponsored Post

Sponsored Post

You must have often seen sponsor videos while watching videos in YouTube in which a person gives information about a product or service. Similarly, in the blogging world, sponsored posts are published on the blog.

If your blog is popular or there is a lot of traffic coming to your blog every month, then many companies will contact you and give you posts according to the topic of your blog, in which you will have to promote their product. This is also a way to earn money from blogging.

To get sponsored posts, you can share the articles published in your blog on Linkedin because many companies are active there.

Apart from this, you can also send emails to companies according to your blog topic, in which you can give information about the blog and tell about the traffic. If they like your blog, then you will definitely be given a Sponsored Post. Bloggers charge 100 to 500 dollars for sponsored.

4] Guest Posting

Benefits of guest posting

Another way to earn money through blogging is guest posting, through which many bloggers are earning money today. Under Guest Posting, a blogger whose blog gets a lot of traffic every month, invites other bloggers to post, in return for which he provides backlinks to other bloggers and takes money in return. If your blog also gets traffic in lakhs, then you too can earn money from guest posting.

For this, you have to give information in the About Us section of your blog for guest posting on your blog. Therefore, any blog that has to take a backlink from your blog will contact you and will also give you a post to publish.

Instead, you can charge your own money. Today many blogs are earning a lot of money every month by this method. If you have this option then do not let it go and you too earn money by guest posting.

High Authority Guest Blogging Sites List

If you want to add your Guest Posting sites in this list please contact us.

Blog Name/URL Categories DA PA Contact/Email General 48 58 [email protected] General 30 20 [email protected] General 20 22 [email protected] General 28 52 [email protected] General 15 18 [email protected] General 48 58 [email protected]

5] Sell Backlink

Backlinks are very important to increase the authority of any blog and increase the traffic of the blog. If your blog is also popular and good traffic comes to your blog every month, then you can earn money by selling backlinks.

Yes, many bloggers contact other bloggers to get backlinks from popular blogs and get Do Follow Backlinks from them for their blogs and in return the blog providing backlinks charges money.

6] Sell EBook

Many bloggers publish articles on their blog based on their knowledge or create eBooks related to the topic on which the blog is built, which they sell through their blog at a fixed price. Earning money by selling eBooks is a very good option.

Especially when a lot of people visit your blog every day. In such a situation, on the basis of your experience and knowledge, you can make an EBook and sell it. If you priced the eBook at Rs 30 and sold 500 eBooks in a month, then you earned 30×500 = Rs 15000.

7] Sell Course

You can also earn money from your blog by selling online courses. Looking for online courses anyway, a lot of people are living these days. In such a situation, if you have information about this, then you can prepare an online course yourself.

Suppose you have complete knowledge about computer, then you can earn money online by preparing many courses related to computer and selling them through your blog. So you can work on this method also.

8] Sell Your Service

On the topic on which you have created your blog or about the subject you have knowledge about such as Content Writing, Blog Designing, Graphic Designing, then you can earn money by providing services related to them through your blog.

You can give information about these services on your blog so that the visitors visiting the blog can get information about this and they can contact you so that they can take advantage of your service.

9] Sell Your Blog

You know that people are earning money by selling their blog on a website like Flipa. Yes, a lot of people do not know how to create a blog or they need a blog with some traffic and for which they buy blogs from others.

Therefore, you can also sell it by creating a blog and taking Google Adsense approval on it and bringing traffic. You can also sell blogs to buyers directly or you can register to sell blogs on Flipa.

Mainly the ways to earn money from blogging, which information we have given above to you, from which you can earn money through a blog. Apart from these, some other methods which are briefly mentioned below.

  1. Earn Money by Refer & Earn
  2. Make Money By Content Writing
  3. Make Money With Blog Management
  4. Make Money With URL Shortening
  5. earn money by advertising
  6. earn money by freelancing

FAQ’s – how to earn money from blogging step by step?

Q.1 How much money does a blog make?

Ans:- Blogging is a field in which your earning depends on your hard work, that is, the more you work, the more money you can earn.

Q.2 How to earn income from blog?

Ans :- There are many ways to get income from blog such as Google Adsense, Affiliate Marketing, Ebook Selling, Course Selling etc.

Q.3 Can I do blogging from mobile?

Ans:- Yes, you can start blogging very easily with the help of mobile and you can also earn money provided you should have knowledge of blogging.

Q.4 When does Google Adsense make money?

Ans:- Money is transferred to your bank account by Google Adsense between 21st to 30th of every month.

Q.5 What is the minimum dollar amount in the account to withdraw money from Google Adsense?

Ans:- A blogger can withdraw money from Google Adsense only when he has about 100 dollars in his Adsense account.

conclusion – how to earn money from blogging step by step?

If you were looking for how to earn money from blogging step by step?, then you must have really learned a lot from this article. In this article, how did we make money from blogging? What is blogging? How much money do you get from blogging? Answered many questions like etc. So we hope that you liked this article.

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