Today, We want to share with you base url in laravel.In this post we will show you laravel get current url, hear for app_url laravel we will give you demo and example for implement.In this post, we will learn about get current path in laravel with an example.
5 Ways To Get Base UR in Laravel
Laravel Get Base Url : You Can the get current url in laravel as below.
Laravel Get Base Url Syntax
$baseurl = url();
get app url in laravel
Laravel Get Base URL in Controller
Example 1:
/** * Show the application Homepage. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function index() { $url = url()->full(); dd($url); }
Example 2:
** * Show the application Homepage. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function index() { $url = \Request::url(); dd($url); }
Example 3:
/** * Show the application Homepage. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function index() { $url = \Request::fullUrl(); dd($url); }
Example 4:
/** * Show the application Homepage. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function index() { $url = \URL::current(); dd($url); }
How to Get the Base URL in Laravel?
In Laravel, you can get the base URL of your application using the url() helper function. This function generates a fully qualified URL for the specified path, or for the base URL if no path is provided. Here’s an example:
$baseUrl = url('/');
In this example, we’re passing a single forward slash (‘/’) as the argument to the url() function, which returns the base URL of the application. You can also pass a path as the argument to get a fully qualified URL for that path, like this:
$fullUrl = url('/path/to/something');
This will generate a fully qualified URL for the path /path/to/something, using the base URL of the application.
Note that the url() function is part of Laravel’s helper functions, and you can use it anywhere in your application. You don’t need to import any class or namespace to use it.
I hope you get an idea about how to know Current url in laravel?.
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