PHP String Explode and Implode Function

Question: what does explode and implode do in php?

Today, We want to share with you What is the difference between explode () and split () functions in PHP?.In this post we will show you What is explode in PHP?, hear for How do you use implode and explode in laravel? we will give you demo and example for implement.In this post, we will learn about How do you split a string into an array? with an example.

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String Explode and implodede Function

PHP Explode Function

The PHP explode function is wont to every devloper “Split a string by a specified string into pieces i.e. it breaks a string into an array”.

The explode function in PHP authorize us to break a string into smaller text with each break occurring at the same data type. This type is known as the separator. Using the explode command I shall make an array from a string. The explode() function breaks a data string into an array, so the implode function returns a string from the all elements of an array.



Example 1:

print_r (explode(" ",$str));
echo "



    [0] => Pakainfo
    [1] => -
    [2] => Web
    [3] => Development
    [4] => Good
    [5] => Online
    [6] => education

Figure 1:

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Example 2:

	print_r(explode(" ",$OriginalString)); 
    echo "

// with positive NoOfElements
echo “

	print_r(explode(" ",$OriginalString,3));
    echo "

// with negative NoOfElements
echo “

	print_r(explode(" ",$OriginalString,-1)); 
    echo "




    [0] => Pakainfo
    [1] => -
    [2] => Web
    [3] => Development
    [4] => Good
    [5] => Online
    [6] => education?
    [0] => Pakainfo
    [1] => -
    [2] => Web Development Good Online education?
    [0] => Pakainfo
    [1] => -
    [2] => Web
    [3] => Development
    [4] => Good
    [5] => Online

PHP Implode Function

The implode function in PHP is wont to “join elements of an array with a Data string”.

The implode() function returns a string from elements of an array. It extracts an array of strings as well as joins them together into one string using a separators (string to be wont between the pieces) of your choice.

The implode function in PHP is simply remembered as “array to string”, which simply means that it extracts an array as well as returns a data string. It rejoins any data pack array all the data elements as well as returns the output string, which may be update in a core PHP variable.



Example 1:

echo implode(" ",$arr);
echo "



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Example 2:

    echo "


echo “

    echo "


// Join with separator
echo “

    echo "




Difference between implode and explode function in php

Difference Implode() Function Explode() Function
Defination The implode() function returns a string from the elements of an array. The explode() function breaks a string into an array.
string implode(string $seperator, array $array)
array explode(string separator,string string)

Final Conclusion

So in this best article We saw how to use the all about the implode and explode functions in PHP. Using this best post one can simply understand the implode and explode functions using PHP.

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I hope you get an idea about php split string into array.
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