Today, We want to share with you Shorthand comparisons in Laravel Ternary Operators (?:).In this post we will show you wordpress plugin require another plugin, hear for Laravel Shorthand ternary operator “?:” Parse error unexpected “:” we will give you demo and example for implement.In this post, we will learn about Laravel Shorthand Ternary Operator Examples with an example.
Shorthand comparisons in Laravel Ternary Operators (?:)
There are the Following The simple About Shorthand comparisons in Laravel Ternary Operators (?:) Full Information With Example and source code.
As I will cover this Post with live Working example to develop Laravel Shorthand If And Else Assignments, so the PHP Laravel If-Else, Switch Case and shorthand Ternary operator example is used for this example is following below.
Laravel Shorthand If/Else Using Ternary Operators (?:)
$call_action = $request->has('page_action') ? $request->page_action : ''; //or $member_id = (int)$request->has('member_id') ? $request->member_id : 0;
Laravel Ternary operator
if ($condition) { $output = 'modi' } else { $output = 'soniya' }
You can write this Laravel:
$output = $condition ? 'modi' : 'soniya';
Laravel Shorthand ternary operator
$output = $initial ?: 'default'; //or $output = $condition ? $condition : 'default';
Laravel Chaining ternary operators
$output = $firstCondition ? 'truth' : $elseCondition ? 'elseTrue' : 'elseFalse';
Laravel Null coalescing operator
$undefined ?? 'tamilrokers'; // 'tamilrokers' $unassigned; $unassigned ?? 'tamilrokers'; // 'tamilrokers' $assigned = 'modi'; $assigned ?? 'tamilrokers'; // 'modi' '' ?? 'tamilrokers'; // '' 'modi' ?? 'tamilrokers'; // 'modi' '0' ?? 'tamilrokers'; // '0' 0 ?? 'tamilrokers'; // 0 false ?? 'tamilrokers'; // false
Laravel Null coalescing on arrays
$input = [ 'key' => 'key', 'nested' => [ 'key' => true ] ]; $input['key'] ?? 'tamilrokers'; // 'key' $input['nested']['key'] ?? 'tamilrokers'; // true $input['undefined'] ?? 'tamilrokers'; // 'tamilrokers' $input['nested']['undefined'] ?? 'tamilrokers'; // 'tamilrokers' null ?? 'tamilrokers'; // 'tamilrokers'
using Laravel a ternary operator:
$output = isset($input['key']) ? $input['key'] : 'tamilrokers';
$output = isset($input['key']) ?: 'tamilrokers' $output = $input['key'] ?: 'tamilrokers';
Laravel Null coalesce chaining
$input = [ 'key' => 'key', ]; $input['undefined'] ?? $input['key'] ?? 'tamilrokers'; // 'key'
Laravel Null coalescing assignment operator
function (array $dataParam = []) { $dataParam['product'] ??= 'default'; } //or function (array $dataParam = []) { $dataParam['product'] = $dataParam['product'] ?? 'default'; }
Laravel Spaceship operator
1 <=> 2; // compare strings, 'a' <=> 'z'; // -1 // and arrays, [2, 1] <=> [2, 1]; // 0 // nested arrays, [[1, 2], [2, 2]] <=> [[1, 2], [1, 2]]; // 1 // and even casing. 'Z' <=> 'z'; // -1
Laravel Comparing objects
$promotion_date = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', '2022-02-01'); $promotion_dateB = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', '2022-01-01'); $promotion_date <=> $promotion_dateB; // Returns 1
Laravel Sort functions
$products_id = [5, 1, 6, 3]; usort($products_id, function ($a, $b) { return $a <=> $b; }); //or usort($products_id, function ($a, $b) { return -($a <=> $b); });
Ternary in Laravel Blade
In Laravel Blade, you can use ternary operators to write conditional expressions. The ternary operator allows you to write a shorthand if/else statement.
The syntax for using ternary operators in Blade is as follows:
{{ $variable ? 'true value' : 'false value' }}
Here, $variable is the variable that you want to evaluate. If the value of $variable is true, the expression will return ‘true value’, otherwise, it will return ‘false value’.
You can also nest ternary operators to create more complex conditional expressions. Here’s an example:
{{ $variable1 ? ($variable2 ? 'both true' : 'variable1 true, variable2 false') : 'variable1 false' }}
In this example, if $variable1 is true and $variable2 is true, the expression will return ‘both true’. If $variable1 is true and $variable2 is false, the expression will return ‘variable1 true, variable2 false’. If $variable1 is false, the expression will return ‘variable1 false’.
Note that you can also use the ternary operator in control structures such as if, elseif, and else statements. Here’s an example:
@if($variable) {{ $variable ? 'true value' : 'false value' }} @elseif($variable2) {{ $variable2 ? 'true value' : 'false value' }} @else {{ 'default value' }} @endif
In this example, if $variable is true, the expression will return ‘true value’. If $variable is false and $variable2 is true, the expression will return ‘true value’. If both $variable and $variable2 are false, the expression will return ‘default value’.
Web Programming Tutorials Example with Demo
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I hope you get an idea about How to use the Laravel ternary operator.
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