goldfish ka scientific naam – Goldfish का Scientific नाम क्या है ?

goldfish ka scientific naam – Hello friends, how are you all, in today’s article, we will know what is the scientific name of Golfish? (Goldfish ka Scientific naam kya hai) What is the scientific name of goldfish? And we will know more related to Goldfish, so if you like this post of ours, then you must share it with your friends.

Friends Goldfish is a bright yellow colored fish that is very beautiful. It looks very beautiful.

That’s why people also keep this fish in their homes in a large glass jar. Which is called aquarium or aquarium.

goldfish ka scientific naam – goldfish ka scientific naam kya hai

The scientific name of Goldfish is “Carassius Aauratus”.

This is a very beautiful freshwater aquatic organism of the Cyprinidae family and is the best for aquarium.

What is Goldfish called in English? Goldfish ka english mein kya naam hai.

Goldfish is known as Goldfish. Goldfish means gold-coloured fish, that is, the fish whose color is similar to gold is called goldfish. Goldfish fish come in many colors.

goldfish ka scientific name kya hai?

goldfish ka scientific naam
goldfish ka scientific naam

What colors are goldfish fish? Goldfish machli kaun kaun se color ki hoti hai.

Goldfish are different colors of fish ie goldfish. Goldfish have the following colors which are given below. The list of colors of goldfish is given below.

Also Read : goldfish ka scientific name kya hai

List of Goldfish – goldfish ka scientific naam kya hai.

1. red goldfish
2. white goldfish
3. brown goldfish
4. yellow goldfish
5. black goldfish
6. Orange Goldfish

ok google gold fish ka scientific naam kya hai.

How Much Food Do Goldfish Need in an Aquarium?

Whenever you are keeping goldfish in the aquarium, then you should take special care of their food.

Because it can have a profound effect on their health. Goldfish can live in an aquarium for 2 weeks without eating.

American Japanease Shubunkin
American Japanease Shubunkin

What do goldfish or goldfish eat?

  • Goldfish found in clean water of ponds and rivers and goldfish found in domestic indoor aquariums both have different food.
  • You can feed fruits and vegetables to Goldfish living in domestic indoor aquarium. Cucumber, cucumber, cabbage, spinach, carrot can be fed in vegetables.
  • In the form of fruits, goldfish fish can be fed fruits from apples, oranges, bananas, grapes, etc. These fruits, fruits and vegetables do not cause any harm to goldfish fish.

Hello Google what is the scientific name of goldfish? Hello Google gold fish ka scientific naam kya hai.

  • Hello Google we know what is the scientific name of goldfish.
  • Google whenever someone asks you what is the scientific name of goldfish, then you can suggest this name to them and tell that the scientific name of goldfish is this.
  • Hello Google, whenever someone asks you the scientific name of goldfish, then you can tell the scientific name of goldfish Carassius auratus, this is the real and correct name of goldfish.

Dont’ Miss : Goldfish Ka Scientific Naam Kya Hai

What is the real name of Goldfish? Goldfish ka asali naam kya hai . What is the scientific name of gold?

Goldfish ka asali naam: The real name of goldfish is Carassius auratus auratus, this name of goldfish is also known as scientific name. Some people also call this name of Goldfish as Geological name.

Comet Goldfish
Comet Goldfish

What is Goldfish called in Hindi? Goldfish ko Hindi mein kya kaha jata hai.

Goldfish ka Hindi naam kya hai :

The real name of Goldfish in Hindi is “Carassius auratus auratus”. The name of the aquatic organism that lives in clear water is goldfish. Nowadays you can see goldfish as pet fish in aquarium.

How Long Can Goldfish Live? Goldfish kitne samay tak jeevit reh sakti hai.

Goldfish age: What is the age of goldfish, that is, how long can goldfish live. Goldfish can live up to a maximum of 40 years. But these are only a few species of goldfish that can live for so long.

But the species of normal goldfish that we keep can only live for about 4 to 8 years. That is, the age of these species of goldfish is 4 to 8 years.

How long can goldfish live without food? Goldfish Bina bhojan ke kab tak jeevit reh sakti hai.

Goldfish food: How long can goldfish survive without eating and drinking? By the way, goldfish can live for 14 days i.e. up to 2 weeks without eating.

Even if you do not feed anything to the goldfish for 14 days, that is, for 2 weeks, it can still spend 14 days comfortably. But after that the condition of the goldfish i.e. the health of the goldfish may deteriorate.

Where is Goldfish found? Goldfish kahan pai jaati hai.

Goldfish location: Goldfish is most commonly found in the United States. Goldfish is a common fish in the United States, you can see it everywhere.

Goldfish are a common fish for the people of the United States. Everyone can see it as a common fish.

Common Goldfish
Common Goldfish

What do goldfish or goldfish eat? Goldfish yah sunhari machhali kya khati hai .

Goldfish means goldfish are both vegetarian and non-vegetarian. Goldfish found in lakes in rivers are carnivorous. It eats insects and other creatures found in the water of the river.

The goldfish that we keep in our home aquariums is a vegetarian fish. This fish eats fruits and vegetables etc. You can feed vegetables like cabbage, carrots, sev etc. to domestic and pet goldfish.

How to take care of Gold Fish? Goldfish ki dekhbhal kaise karen.

Let us know how to take care of goldfish fish in the aquarium and what are the right and ideal conditions for goldfish.

Choosing the right size of aquarium. Aquarium ke size ka chunav kaise karen.

The size of the aquarium also depends a lot for the goldfish fish. If the size of the aquarium is not right then the death of goldfish can also occur.

Because goldfish fish in small aquariums, rarely goldfish can survive in it due to the right oxygen environment.

Use appropriate size gravel. Uchit aakar ki bajari ka Sahi chunav kaise karen.

Whatever aquarium the goldfish is kept in, the gravel of the aquarium means that the stones used in the aquarium should be either very large or very small.

It should not be in such a way that the goldfish swallow it.

Also Read : ok google gold fish ka scientific naam kya hai

Adequate lighting in the aquarium. Aquarium mein Prakash kar samuchit perband kaise karen .

The aquarium in which the goldfish fish is kept should have a proper amount of light, either you keep it in contact with natural light, keep in mind that direct sunlight should not fall on the aquarium.

Ensure the amount of water in the aquarium. Aquarium mein pani ki matra sunishchit kaise karen.

Pure water should be used for goldfish fish in the aquarium. Because dirty and poisonous water can kill goldfish fish.

What is the scientific name of Carassius auratus (Carassius auratus)?

Carassius auratus (Carassius auratus) is the scientific name of goldfish, whenever someone asks you that Carassius auratus (Carassius auratus) is its scientific name, then you can feel free to tell that Carassius auratus (Carassius auratus) is the scientific name of goldfish.

How to take care of goldfish fish? Goldfish machli ki dekhbhal kaise karen.

To keep goldfish fish, you must have a glass aquarium. Or you should have a glass bowl. In that you can keep goldfish fish.

When you keep goldfish fish in the aquarium, then give them the natural environment and environment that goldfish fish find in the sea.

Interesting facts about goldfish.

Goldfish se Jude rochak tathya – goldfish ka scientific naam.

1. The scientific name of goldfish is Carassius auratus (Carassius auratus). The Latin name of goldfish is Carassius Gibellio Pharma Oratus.

2. The Hindi name of goldfish is goldfish and there is another name for goldfish. Golden crucian carp is another name for goldfish.

3. Goldfish are kept in fresh water. Nowadays goldfish are widely reared in aquariums as a pet fish. Apart from this, goldfish fish are also reared in the source of water and in the pond.

4. Goldfish fish is a fish native to Asia. Goldfish fish have silver glitter on the edge.

5. The color of most goldfish is orange-red or orange-yellow. Along with this, some goldfish have white spots along with black spots on their body.

6. As a result of the crossbreeding of different species of goldfish, whatever new and attractive species of goldfish you see today has been produced through a long time effort.

7. A healthy goldfish requires at least 30 liters of clean water.

8. Goldfish are omnivores. Goldfish feed on mosquito larvae, water fleas, worms, aquatic plants and seaweed. If you feed eggs, porridge to goldfish, it can also be eaten.

9. Goldfish lay eggs in the month of April and May. In the months of April and May, the male and female goldfish perform the breeding activity together, the male bumps the female goldfish with elbows to provoke the female goldfish.

10. When the female goldfish lays eggs, the male collects them and fertilizes these eggs.

goldfish ka scientific naam

When court-fee babies are born, they are black in color and after a few months they acquire the characteristic bright shape. After a few months of birth, the cubs of goldfish begin to turn golden in color.


In today’s article, we all learned that what is the scientific name of goldfish (scientific name of goldfish), that is, what is the scientific name of goldfish and its scientific name is also known as the zoological name of fish.

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